Contemporary Philippine Arts from the Regions

Contemporary Philippine Arts From the Region This subject will define contemporary art and discuss the different types of contemporary art in the Philippine regions. The understanding of Philippine contemporary art will be discussed through an overview of the elements and principles of art, materials, techniques used by contemporary artists, the organizations that support the arts, contemporary artists from different regions practicing different art forms and the artistic processes artists undergo. It aims to provide students with an appreciation of a broad range of forms of Philippine contemporary art and apply what they have learned about contemporary art and its artistic working attitudes when creating their own art or pursuing other career goals.

Contemporary Philippine Arts From the Region

This subject will define contemporary art and discuss the different types of contemporary art in the Philippine regions. The understanding of Philippine contemporary art will be discussed through an overview of the elements and principles of art, materials, techniques used by contemporary artists, the organizations that support the arts, contemporary artists from different regions practicing different art forms and the artistic processes artists undergo. It aims to provide students with an appreciation of a broad range of forms of Philippine contemporary art and apply what they have learned about contemporary art and its artistic working attitudes when creating their own art or pursuing other career goals. 

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