How to Succeed in 'Sober October' (Even If You Drink a Little)

How to Succeed in 'Sober October' (Even If You Drink a Little)

There is a lot to be gained from refraining (or mostly abstaining) from alcohol for a month
Sober October, as the name suggests, is an endeavor to encourage people to abstain from alcohol for one month. It originated in 2014 as a fundraiser for Macmillan Cancer Support in the United Kingdom and has since evolved into a global phenomenon, possibly aided by the spike in alcohol consumption that accompanied COVID.

There are other popular "dry" month initiatives, such as Dry July and Dry January, but I believe October is the finest time of year for a 30-day wagon journey. It's immediately before Thanksgiving and Christmas, when you'll most likely be doing some extra drinking, and the approach of winter encourages solemnity, sobriety, and self-evaluation. In addition, "Sober October" rhymes.

The advantages of quitting in October

Going without (or cutting back) on alcohol for a month offers more benefits than just putting your willpower to the test. You'll have more money in your pocket, you'll feel good about setting and completing a goal, and the health benefits of even a little period of abstinence are significant.

Professor Kevin Moore of the Royal Free Hospital in London discovered in 2015 that moderate to heavy drinkers who abstain from alcohol for 30 days have better insulin resistance, shed an average of 3kg of weight, lowered their cholesterol, and reported improved energy, sleep, and mood. It's also excellent for your liver. Quitting alcohol minimizes fatty changes in the liver that can lead to cirrhosis and other disorders.

Another advantage of sober October: Nothing highlights an alcohol problem more clearly than having difficulty stopping drinking for a period of time.

Tips for a Happy Sober October

Alcohol occupies an unusual place in our culture. It's a potent, addictive, and potentially lethal narcotic, but it's widely available and so widely accepted that it's nearly socially expected. Even if you're not addicted to alcohol, all of this might make saying "no" tough. Here are a few pointers to help you get through your sober October.

Create your own rules. There is no right or wrong way to celebrate Sober October, so decide for yourself whether you want to cut out one drink per night or all beverages for the month. Any progress is preferable to none.

Do not consider it abstinence. Consider it an opportunity to get out of your rut for a few weeks in order to obtain a better understanding of your relationship with alcohol.

Inform supportive friends and family about your plans. It's difficult to say no to a drink or a trip to the saloon, so make sure the people you care about are aware.

Practice how you'll decline a drink. Mentally preparing for what you'll say can help relieve some of the social strain that often surrounds alcohol.

Plan non-alcohol-related activities. You might be able to white-knuckle a trip to the bar by sipping club soda, but why risk it? Instead, use October to do all of the exciting, alcohol-free activities you've been meaning to do. Go to the observatory. Attend a dance lesson. Pickleball may be learned. Volunteer. Explore a corn maze. There are numerous options.

Increase your physical activity. A pleasant little workout can deliver the mood boost you seek from a drink.

Take each day as it comes. This is the well-known AA advice. Don't think about quitting for a month; think about not drinking today. Breaking time down into tiny bits makes it appear less intimidating.

Other ways to indulge oneself Replace your glass of wine after dinner with something different if you're the type of drinker who does. Making intricate mocktails is enjoyable. Eating a piece of chocolate is, too.

Don't worry if you make a mistake. It's not the end of the world if you have a beer one night. Simply restart. Nobody is keeping track.

If you realize you can't do it, take it seriously

Participating in Sober October promotes a more considered relationship with alcohol, and part of that evaluation includes being honest with yourself. It is possible to be dependent on alcohol without fully understanding it, to abuse alcohol without becoming addicted to it, and to engage in a variety of other alcohol-related behaviors.

If you truly cannot go 30 days without drinking, even if you want to, you should consider the potential that you have an alcohol problem. Take a self-assessment and discuss your concerns with your doctor or therapist.

#OctoberFest #SoberOctober #Beer #BeerDinkingContest

SOURCE: lifehacker

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