What Should Fresh Graduate do first

What Should Fresh Graduate do first

Well Congratulations, you finished your studies, but Now What? Here are some Tips to get you started and impress your future Employer.

Make a decent Email Address

Make a decent Email Address
It’s time to make a formal Email Address, and try not to use these:
• With Birth year (address1990@email.com)
• Name of you and your love ones (jameslovesjane@email.com)
• Name of a fictional Character (iamnaruto@email.com)

If you are making a Formal or Decent Email Address, it is better to include your First and Last Name, make a combination of it. You can also use Initials to remember easily.

Clean you Social Media Accounts

Clean you Social Media Accounts
Now is the time to clean up that embarrassing pictures tagged by your friends, those Personal thoughts you wrote on Twitter, that could affect the First Impression at the Workplace.

Apply for Government Documents

Apply for Government Documents
Apply for Government IDs, these are very useful not only when apply for a Job, but also for frequent requirements, from claiming remittance, opening a Bank Account, etc.

Get Recommendation Letters from your Professors

Get Recommendation Letters from your Professors
You are a lucky student if you are friends with your College Professors, and for the Majority out there that experience a bit of Hell in completing Requirements and signing those Clearance form, well this might be useful, Recommendation Letter from your Professors is a good part of your Resume, the Company immediately knew what kind of employee they are hiring.

Invest in your work clothes

Invest in your work clothes
Yes, you don't have the money to buy things for yourself right now, but instead buying thing you need for the summer; invest in Working Clothes, because when you get hired, A lot of Company don't give Allowances for Newly Hired Employee.

Take Your Time Off

Take Your Time Off
Yes, enjoy the Summer Vacation because who knows, this will be your last vacation because of the Work Loads they will give you when you start working.

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