How a NURSE landed a role at GOOGLE after repeated rejections

How a NURSE landed a role at GOOGLE after repeated rejections

A career change success story of a Nurse at Google

Neil Hoyne, Google's top strategist, announced on LinkedIn that the company has hired a pediatric nurse to join its advertising department. Hoyne recounts that the nurse, who desired to remain anonymous, had dozens of rejections at Google. However, she polished her story along the way. She then used her experience dealing with turmoil and pressure as a nurse to demonstrate to Google hiring supervisors that she was qualified for the position. According to Hoyne, the lessons include perseverance, conveying your narrative most powerfully, and adopting feedback.

Career flipping 💼 is about our extraordinary power to reinvent ourselves. Following an earlier post, several of you have inquired about the pediatric nurse 👩‍⚕️ who got a job at Google. Yes, from hospital to advertising. Amazing, right? She wanted not to be identified but was glad for me to share the tale (and even helped me edit it!)

She began her job change in the same way that many of us do. She examined her skills - professional experience, patient care, and medical knowledge - and attempted to determine where they may fit at Google. The research posts required even more specialized knowledge. She even attempted Google Helpouts, a virtual healthcare service, but it folded before anything happened.

Here's the thing: healthcare workers are a unique group. They work in one of the most difficult, demanding, and crucial jobs out there. They have heart, and grit, and will not give up lightly. What about this nurse? She didn't give up.

Ten, twenty, and thirty rejections.

She went around 70 before eventually getting a break... 🎉

However, every encounter she had along the road - with recruiters, employees, and hiring managers - provided an opportunity to learn. She improved the story and identified areas where she might make a difference. So when she eventually got the interview, all the hard work was done.

Here's the situation: There are three contenders in the running. Two of them have extensive industry and role-specific experience, followed by her as a nurse. And she told her narrative succinctly yet well.

"In healthcare," she said, "we deal with crazy hours, unpredictable demand, and limited resources. And, as a team, we have to create processes and systems that are perfect. Because if they're not, someone could die."

Then she brought it home.

"So if you've already got someone on your team who's used to working under those conditions and with that kind of pressure, then you don't need me. But I'm guessing you don't. And that means I've got plenty to bring to your organization."

She joined Google a few weeks later. 🥂

Think of this nurse the next time you're considering changing careers. Remember the power of tenacity, learning from even the most unpleasant events, and expressing your narrative in a way that cannot be ignored.

Oh. And for the hiring managers out there: you have a role to play here as well. Please look beyond the template job description. Because when you have a team with a diverse range of backgrounds and experiences, you can build something remarkable.

Carry on searching.

About the Writer

Jenny, the tech wiz behind Jenny's Online Blog, loves diving deep into the latest technology trends, uncovering hidden gems in the gaming world, and analyzing the newest movies. When she's not glued to her screen, you might find her tinkering with gadgets or obsessing over the latest sci-fi release.
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