How 90s Kids have more Patience than Kids Today

How 90s Kids have more Patience than Kids Today

Having Patience is now a Unique Skill, and Luckily 90's Kids grew up with this things to teach them how to wait just to live and enjoy the moment

Let's face it, instant gratification is kind of the name of the game these days. Want a song? It's there in a tap. Craving a movie? Pick one, any one, and cuddle up within minutes. But for us 90s kids, things were different. We had to cultivate serious patience muscles, and honestly, those skills might be low-key handy even today.

Tangled Cassette Tape with pencil

Remember rewinding cassette tapes with a pencil just to hear our favorite song again? Or the silent panic of a cassette tape getting eaten by the player, followed by the meticulous untangling process? We basically became surgeons, dissecting those tiny ribbons with the precision of a Jedi.

Video Rental Store

Picking a movie on Friday night at the rental store was an epic quest. Browsing endless VHS tapes, agonizing over the perfect choice, then the mad dash to get it back on time to avoid late fees? #LifeSkills.

girls dressed as pop stars singing while watching MTV

And don't even get me started on music videos. We'd patiently wait all day on MTV just to catch our favorite song in between cheesy reality shows and boy bands (no shade, we all loved them secretly).

Boy looking a Phone Number at the actual Phonebook at home

The internet of today might be a magical land of instant information, but back then, we had the phonebook. Those hefty yellow tomes held the secrets to pizza places, babysitters, and yes, even our crush's phone number (assuming they weren't hiding behind a six-digit shield, that is). Speaking of phone numbers, who remembers the constant fear of dialing the wrong digit on a landline and having to start all over again?

Camera Film and Photos

Developing photos was a whole other adventure. We'd snap our pictures on disposable cameras, hand them over with nervous anticipation, and then wait agonizing days (sometimes weeks!) to see how they turned out. The suspense was real, folks.

pressing record and play button

Recording our favorite songs off the radio involved waiting for the DJ to finally shut up so we could hit the record button perfectly. And let's not forget the art of the rewind. It wasn't just about going back a few seconds; it was a lesson in courtesy, letting the next person know you were giving them the chance to snag that sweet song too.
Kids waiting to play at the Arcade cabinet
Playing at the arcade? Forget Online Games; we waited patiently (and sometimes strategically) for our turn at the coveted Street Fighter machine.

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Looking back, these might seem like minor inconveniences, but they all added up to a generation that understands waiting, planning, and appreciating the reward that comes after some effort. Maybe in today's fast-paced world, a little dose of 90s patience wouldn't hurt. Besides, who wouldn't want to be a master of cassette tape detangling or a champion phonebook navigator?  Those are life skills worth keeping around.

About the Writer

Jenny, the tech wiz behind Jenny's Online Blog, loves diving deep into the latest technology trends, uncovering hidden gems in the gaming world, and analyzing the newest movies. When she's not glued to her screen, you might find her tinkering with gadgets or obsessing over the latest sci-fi release.
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