High Demands for Pink Pineapples

Pink Pineapples

Pink pineapples created through genetic engineering are selling like hotcakes: what gives them their distinctive color?

In recent years, the world of fruits has seen a delightful and unexpected addition to its roster - the genetically engineered pink pineapple. Dubbed the "Pinkglow" pineapple, this tropical wonder is brought to us by the food giant Del Monte and has taken the market by storm. But what makes this pink pineapple stand out, and why is it flying off the shelves? The answer lies in its captivating rosy hue, which is the result of some ingenious genetic engineering. In this blog post, we'll delve into the science behind these pink pineapples and explore why they've become such a sensation.

The Science of Pink Pineapples
The Science of Pink Pineapples

The Pinkglow pineapple, grown exclusively in Costa Rica, is a testament to the wonders of genetic engineering. Unlike the traditional pineapple, which sports a yellow interior, this variety boasts a vibrant pink flesh. The secret ingredient behind this stunning transformation is lycopene, a carotenoid and pigment commonly found in pineapples, watermelons, and tomatoes. In most pineapples, lycopene is naturally converted into beta-carotene by an enzyme known as lycopene beta-cyclase. This enzymatic process turns the inside of the pineapple yellow.

However, in the case of the Pinkglow pineapple, this enzyme is muted, allowing lycopene to accumulate within the fruit. This alteration is what gives the pineapple its distinct rosy color. Del Monte's patent on this innovation ensures that they are the exclusive growers of pink pineapples, safeguarding their intellectual property.

The Genetic Engineering Process of Pink Pineapples
The Genetic Engineering Process of Pink Pineapples

So, how did Del Monte achieve this remarkable feat of genetic engineering? The process began in 2005, with extensive research and development. Over six years, the company tested four generations of pink pineapples grown in Costa Rica between 2010 and 2014. This lengthy testing period was necessary to ensure the new variety was viable, productive, and met quality standards.

To mute the lycopene-converting enzyme, Del Monte employed a technique called RNA interference. This involved introducing a gene with RNA that matches and binds to the RNA responsible for producing the lycopene beta-cyclase protein. This binding effectively prevents the cell from synthesizing the enzyme. The newly modified gene was then incorporated into the pineapple's genome using a specific bacteria strain capable of transferring DNA to host cells during its life cycle.

Demand and Pricing of Pink Pineapples
Demand and Pricing of Pink Pineapples

The introduction of Pinkglow pineapples into the market has caused quite a stir, with demand outstripping supply. In grocery stores, these pink pineapples typically sell for around $10, roughly double the price of regular varieties. Online retailers, capitalizing on the fruit's exclusivity, often sell a single Pinkglow pineapple for prices ranging from $29 to $39.

These premium prices can be attributed to both scarcity and effective marketing. Similar scenarios have occurred with other non-GMO fruit varieties, such as Honeycrisp apples and Cotton Candy grapes, which initially commanded higher prices due to their popularity. Over time, as production increases, prices tend to stabilize and become more accessible to consumers.
The genetically engineered Pinkglow pineapple is a testament to the marvels of modern genetic engineering. Its unique rosy hue, brought about by a muted lycopene-converting enzyme, has captured the imagination of fruit enthusiasts worldwide. Despite its premium price tag, the Pinkglow pineapple has become a sought-after delicacy, and its success in the market is expected to follow the trajectory of other specialty fruits, eventually becoming more affordable as production scales up. So, if you're looking for a taste of the extraordinary, don't hesitate to try a Pinkglow pineapple – it's a treat for both the eyes and the palate.


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