Leaving for Summer? Don't Forget Your Home's Safety

Leaving for Summer? Don't Forget Your Home's Safety

Protect your home this summer! Learn easy steps to keep your property safe while you're away. From home security systems to simple DIY tips. Read now.
#SummerVacation #LongWeekend #HomeSaftyTips

Summer is the season of vacation, travel, and relaxation. However, as you pack your bags and head out the door, it's important to take some easy steps to ensure the safety of your home. According to the FBI, over 2 million home burglaries occur each year, and the majority of them take place during the summer months when people are away. By taking some simple precautions before you leave, you can significantly reduce the risk of a break-in and protect your property. In this article, we'll go over some easy steps to keep your home safe while you're away.

Secure Your Doors and Windows

Before you leave, make sure all of your doors and windows are locked securely. Consider upgrading to deadbolt locks and installing window locks if you don't have them already. Sliding glass doors can be an easy entry point for burglars, so be sure to place a metal rod or a wooden dowel in the track to prevent them from being opened from the outside.

Use Timers for Lights and Electronics

A dark house can be a tell-tale sign that nobody is home, so it's a good idea to use timers for your lights and electronics. Set them to turn on and off at different times throughout the day to create the illusion that someone is home. This can also help save energy and lower your electricity bill.

Cancel Deliveries and Mail

An overflowing mailbox or a pile of newspapers on the doorstep can signal to burglars that nobody is home. Before you leave, be sure to cancel any deliveries or mail and ask a trusted neighbor or friend to collect any stray packages or mail that may arrive while you're away.

Install a Home Security System

A home security system is a great investment in your home's safety. A good system can alert you and the authorities in case of a break-in, and some even allow you to monitor your home remotely. Be sure to choose a reputable company with a track record of quality installations and customer service.

Keep Your Landscaping Maintained

Overgrown shrubs and bushes can provide cover for burglars to hide in. Before you leave, make sure your landscaping is trimmed and well-maintained. This will not only improve the curb appeal of your home but also make it less appealing to potential burglars.

Ask a Trusted Neighbor to Keep an Eye on Your Home

It's always a good idea to have a trusted neighbor or friend keep an eye on your home while you're away. They can collect your mail, water your plants, and even park their car in your driveway to create the illusion that someone is home.

Secure Valuables and Important Documents

Before you leave, secure any valuable items and important documents in a safe or a safety deposit box. This will not only protect them from theft but also from damage in case of a fire or other natural disaster.

Don't Share Your Travel Plans on Social Media

While it may be tempting to share your exciting travel plans on social media, it's not a good idea to do so. Burglars can use this information to know when you're not home, and can even use your geotagged posts to track your location. Wait until you're back home to share your photos and stories.

Install Outdoor Lighting

A well-lit home can deter burglars and make it more difficult for them to hide. Consider installing outdoor lighting around your home, especially near entry points and dark corners. Motion-activated lights are a good option as they can startle burglars and draw attention to your home.

Keep Your Garage Door Closed and Locked

Your garage door can be an easy entry point for burglars, especially if it's left open and unlocked. Before you leave, make sure your garage door is closed and locked, and consider installing a deadbolt lock on the door that leads from your garage into your home.

Notify Your Alarm Company and Emergency Contacts

If you have a home security system, be sure to notify the company that you'll be away and provide them with emergency contact information. This way, they can quickly reach you or your emergency contacts in case of a break-in or other emergency.

Unplug Appliances and Electronics

Unplugging appliances and electronics not only saves energy, but also reduces the risk of fire caused by electrical surges. Before you leave, unplug any non-essential appliances and electronics, and consider turning off your water heater to save even more energy.

Store Your Spare Key in a Safe Place

Leaving a spare key outside your home can be convenient, but it can also be a security risk. Burglars know where to look for spare keys, so it's better to store it in a safe place or give it to a trusted neighbor or friend.

Check Your Home Insurance Coverage

Before you leave, review your home insurance coverage to ensure that you're adequately protected in case of theft or damage. Consider adding additional coverage for valuable items or upgrading your policy to include protection for natural disasters.

Double Check Before You Go

Finally, before you leave, double check that you've taken all of the necessary steps to protect your home. Walk through each room, check all doors and windows, and make sure you haven't forgotten anything important.

By taking these easy steps, you can enjoy your summer vacation with peace of mind knowing that your home is secure and protected. Don't let the fear of burglary or damage ruin your vacation – take action now to protect your property.

Leaving your home unattended for an extended period of time can be stressful, but with these easy steps, you can significantly reduce the risk of a break-in or other damage. Remember to secure your doors and windows, use timers for lights and electronics, cancel deliveries and mail, install a home security system, keep your landscaping maintained, ask a trusted neighbor to keep an eye on your home, secure valuables and important documents, and avoid sharing your travel plans on social media. Additionally, consider installing outdoor lighting, keeping your garage door closed and locked, notifying your alarm company and emergency contacts, unplugging appliances and electronics, storing your spare key in a safe place, checking your home insurance coverage, and double checking before you go.


What is the most important step in securing your home before leaving for summer?

The most important step is to ensure all doors and windows are locked securely.

Should I share my travel plans on social media?

No, it's not a good idea to share your travel plans on social media as it can alert burglars that your home is empty.

What is a good option for outdoor lighting to deter burglars?

Motion-activated lights are a good option as they can startle burglars and draw attention to your home.

Can I leave a spare key outside my home?

It's better to store your spare key in a safe place or give it to a trusted neighbor or friend to avoid the risk of burglary.

Is it important to review my home insurance coverage before leaving for summer?

Yes, it's important to review your home insurance coverage to ensure you're adequately protected in case of theft or damage.

How do you stay safe when leaving the house?

To stay safe when leaving the house, you should ensure that all doors and windows are locked, cancel mail and package deliveries, use timers for lights and electronics, ask a trusted neighbor to keep an eye on your home, and avoid sharing travel plans on social media.

What are 5 things you can do around your home to make it safer?

Five things you can do around your home to make it safer are installing a home security system, trimming back landscaping to eliminate hiding places, installing motion-activated outdoor lighting, storing valuables in a safe or safety deposit box, and keeping spare keys in a secure location or with a trusted neighbor or friend.

How can I improve the safety around my home?

To improve the safety around your home, you can take steps such as installing deadbolt locks on all doors, securing sliding glass doors with a metal bar, installing window locks, installing a peephole on your front door, and considering upgrading your home insurance coverage to include protection for natural disasters or valuable items. You can also consider joining a neighborhood watch program or installing a security camera system.

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