Tech modder decides to connect a Nintendo Power Glove to his Switch and play Mario Kart

Will It Work on YouTube? utilized a defunct Nintendo peripheral to operate a Mario Kart toy
Rather than wasting time, the man behind the YouTube tech modding channel Will It Work? In the headline of his account, he decided to simply express the core question posed by so many hardware modders before him. To answer the most recent version of that question, he has attempted to repurpose an old Nintendo Power Glove so that it can be used with a Switch and its remote control Mario Kart spin-off, Mario Kart Live: Home Circuit, much like the visionaries who souped up a late '90s Hot Wheels-branded computer or messed with a Fisher-Price toy to the point where it can work as a modern game controller.
The video begins by introducing the basic challenge posed by this project: the Power Glove was a non-functional peripheral released in 1989 for the original Nintendo Entertainment System, and Mario Kart Live is intended to be played with Switch controllers designed in a different decade—a different century and millennium, even.

Will It Work Regardless? describes how the Power Glove works, the specific issues he has when trying to get the Switch to recognize the Glove as a controller, and talks through the procedures he takes to launch his mission via a series of adapters.

He then describes how he had to rebuild parts of an adapter's software to keep it running and, lastly, displays footage of himself operating a physical Mario Kart toy and its on-screen equivalent with the motions of a hand wrapped in a giant clunky late-'80s glove.

We've seen a Power Glove used to perform music on a modular synth, but using it to drive Mario Kart is an even more difficult job. Will it be successful? Because he hasn't been able to get complete functioning out of the glove, he labels this initial attempt "partially successful," but intends to keep working on the concept in the future.

To be fair, what he's done so far is no "Ronald McDonald Modded Into Final Fantasy VII Remake" or "Entirely Too Big Nintendo Switch," but the Power Glove experiment's early steps are impressive.


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