Cop Grinning after Punching Homeless Army Veteran

This incident comes in the wake of several claims of police brutality
Attorneys for 29-year-old veteran Dalvin Gadson are requesting an investigation after a picture of Gadson's bloodied face after being assaulted by police officers was made public. The officers were also captured on camera grinning while Gadson lay on the ground with bloody knuckles, according to a Newsone report.

Gadson worked as a helicopter mechanic for the Army National Guard and was living on the streets when he was stopped for a traffic violation in October. According to the report, the stop was caused by a malfunctioning car as well as an incorrectly displayed license plate. One officer attempted to administer a DUI test and claimed Gadson smelled of marijuana. Gadson refused to leave his car until he was told why he was being arrested because he was told he would be handcuffed when he got out.

Gadson claimed that after he inquired honestly, someone pulled him from his car.

"As soon as he pulled me out of my car, the same policeman started punching me in the face. After the initial punch, I attempted to apologize, say okay, and lay down, but several officers grabbed me and began to kick, knee, and elbow me in the face, as well as grab and punch me in various other places. I was punched in the face several times before losing consciousness, Gadson claimed on his GoFundMe page.

Read more here about the case from the Harry Daniels Law Office:
"Dalvin Gadson was a homeless veteran trying to re-enlist and continue serving his country, living out of his car. Daniels pointed to the photos and said, "But all these officers saw was a black man, and they beat him for it, smiling for the camera as he lay on the ground bleeding. "They brutally beat him, and now he's afraid to go outside, and the VA can't see him until January to treat his wounds and PTSD."
Gadson sustained numerous wounds, including PTSD, eardrum damage, and eye injuries. He was accused of resisting arrest, obstructing a peace officer, driving while intoxicated, and driving without license plates, in addition to two counts of second-degree assault on a police officer. In a DMV hearing on December 7, the DUI charge was dropped along with both Second Degree Assault on a Police Officer charges.

The defense team for Gadson is requesting that the officers be the subject of a criminal investigation as well as legal action.


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