The Vatican expresses concern at the appointment of a Chinese bishop

The Vatican expressed concern over the appointment of a bishop in a Chinese diocese that the Holy See does not recognize, claiming that it violated a 2018 agreement with Beijing and implying political pressure
The Vatican said last month that it has extended for the second time the covert agreement that gives both Beijing and the Holy See a role in the appointment of bishops in China.

"The Holy See noted with surprise and regret the news of the 'installation ceremony' on November 24 in Nanchang of Monsignor Giovanni Peng Weizhao, bishop of Yujiang (Jiangxi Province) as 'auxiliary bishop of Jiangxi'," the Vatican stated in a statement.

"This event did not take place in accordance with the spirit of dialogue that exists between the Vatican parties and the Chinese parties and with what was stipulated in the provisional agreement on the appointment of bishops" of 2018.

For decades, China has had two Catholic churches: one that reports to Beijing and another that remains faithful to Rome – often at great personal sacrifice.

The Vatican stated that the new bishop's "civil recognition" was "was proceeded, according to reports received, by prolonged and intense pressure from the local authorities," without elaborating.

"The Holy See hopes that similar episodes will not be repeated" the statement stated, adding that the Vatican was expecting a response from Chinese authorities on the topic.

The Vatican "reaffirms its full availability to continue the respectful dialogue concerning all issues of common interest."

Despite concerns surrounding the detention of retired cardinal Joseph Zen, one of Asia's most senior Catholic cardinals, by Hong Kong authorities in May, the 2018 agreement was reaffirmed.

The 90-year-old cardinal was one of six rebels found guilty on Friday of administering a multimillion-dollar defense fund for detained anti-government protestors.

They were jailed under broad national security measures enacted by Beijing in 2020, a year after massive and often violent demonstrations erupted.


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