Introduction to Finance for Hospitality Management

Introduction to Finance for Hospitality Management This is an introductory course on Financial Management. It provides with the basic principles, techniques, and tools needed in conducting financial analysis. Special emphasis shall be made on management of working capital and evaluation of business firm`s potential. The second part deals with more advanced aspect of financial management. It focuses on financial decisions such as investments, capital budgeting, debt vs. Equity financing, cost of capital, dividend decisions, valuation, and stock option/warrants
Introduction to Finance for Hospitality Management
This is an introductory course on Financial Management. It provides with the basic principles, techniques, and tools needed in conducting financial analysis. Special emphasis shall be made on management of working capital and evaluation of business firm`s potential. The second part deals with more advanced aspect of financial management. It focuses on financial decisions such as investments, capital budgeting, debt vs. Equity financing, cost of capital, dividend decisions, valuation, and stock option/warrants

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