Michelle Obama is quickly establishing herself as the First Lady of Memoirs

The former first lady's new book will be available on November 15th
Michelle Obama is back with her second book, What I See, four years after the success of her memoir Becoming.

Michelle Obama gives advice and solutions for dealing with life's obstacles in her new book, The Light We Carry: Overcoming in Uncertain Times, which will be released tomorrow (November 15). The memoir and self-help genres are combined in this book to give guidance on how to overcome challenges related to race, gender, and visibility.

Coming out just in time for the holidays, the book is clearly being pushed as a huge hit in a year when the publishing industry has struggled on both the demand and supply sides of the business.

Book sales fell 6.6% in the first six months of 2022 compared to the same period the previous year, with adult nonfiction and memoirs seeing double-digit drops as the effect of pandemic-induced lockdowns on readership waned and supply chain issues created a shortage of paper and increased its cost.

But there's still hope for Obama's next work: search interest for The Light We Carry is at a healthy 75, according to Google Trends. The top five spots on the New York Times best-selling list in the non-fiction category are currently held by five celebrities: actor Matthew Perry, singers Bono and Bob Dylan, filmmaker Jennette McCurdy, and director Quentin Tarantino. Obama's book not only piques the public's interest, but its tone of cautious optimism meets a pressing need.

The Light We Carry, in Michelle Obama’s words

“I think of The Light We Carry as a toolbox of sorts. It’s a collection of practices and perspectives that I draw on when I need to stay balanced and confident, especially in times of anxiety and stress. Some of these tools are habits. Some are actual physical objects. Others are attitudes and beliefs from my ongoing journey of becoming. I poured a lot into this book, and my hope is that it might give you some ideas for your own journey. Because even when the world feels dark and uncertain, we always have the ability to kindle our own light by looking inside ourselves and then sharing it with others.” —Michelle Obama in a social media post promoting the book.

Michelle Obama's publishing clout in numbers

  • 17 million copies have been sold worldwide, more than any previous memoir by a first lady or president, including her husband.
  • 5: Becoming's position on the bestselling list of audiobook store Libro.fm
  • Becoming has been translated into 50 languages.
  • Michelle Obama was selected "most admired woman" in Gallup polls three years in a row, from 2018 to 2020.
  • The original print run was 2.75 million copies of The Light We Carry
  • The Light We Carry will be published in 14 languages across 27 countries.
  • In 2019, book tour fees for excellent seats, meet-and-greets, and suite-level ducat will be $1,300, $2,500, and $4,200.
  • The six-city book tour for The Light We Carry, featuring celebrity moderators like Oprah Winfrey, Ellen Degeneres, and David Letterman, appears to be priced more modestly in the post-covid world, ranging from $199 to $350. The tour runs from November 15 to December 13.
  • $32.50: recommended list price in the United States. In Canada, it costs a hefty $42.00. Rafi Mohammed, a price strategist, cautioned publishers against exceeding customary pricing boundaries of roughly $30. "Books are non-essential commodities, and entertainment expenditure is very competitive," he told the Wall Street Journal. The digital version is less expensive, costing $16.99 in the United States and $18.99 in Canada.

Also, Mike Pence's memoir will be out tomorrow

Tomorrow will also see the release of So Help Me God. The publisher, Simon & Schuster, is presenting it as "the inside narrative of the Trump Administration by its second-highest ranking official." Approximately 200 workers at the publisher had petitioned to cancel Pence's two-book agreement, but were unsuccessful. Among other things, it provides a description of what happened between Donald Trump and him five days after the Capitol Hill raid on January 6.

#Obama #MichelleObama #Memoir 

SOURCE: quartz

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