What is the real story of the movie Bird Box

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Bird Box, a movie from Netflix that shows us Survival while blindfolded

The title of the movie "Bird Box" is just a figurative words to represent the deepest and most intriguing story. It only show a bit of information about what is going around, so your wild imagination makes you very curious and want to know more, and that is why a bunch of personal explanation and interpretation of the movie came out on the internet. By that this whole article is just my Personal Interpretation of the Movie. SPOILERS ALERT

The Monster or Creature in this movie is unknown, the appearance of it, and how it attacks. We just know that just by looking or a mere glance to the monster makes people go Crazy that could result in suicide, or Madness that they could or would kill others. The Creatures has many forms as illustrated in the movie.
Image result for bird box creature

Well they are just forms, but in the mind on the person that looks directly into the Monsters, they saw a different form, they saw Fear, Sadness, Losses. One incident in the movie is when a lady saw the Creature, she is calling her Mom, and saying "Please don't go", and the she commits suicide, but later that scene a man said that her Mom died 10 years ago.

And after Sandra Bullock entered the house with few survivors, and while they are talking about the Monsters, the Old lady said that she hear felt something, but she cannot explain what it looks like, but she confirms that it's there, the Presence is there.

Multiple instances that the Monster was nearly appeared on the screen, when the character shows Fear but then immediately gone when they shows Strength. So basically we can say that those Monsters will appear if they have or show fear.

There are also people that don't use blindfolds but still lives and did not commit suicides, but instead they want other people to take of their blindfolds and see the world, as they say its beautiful, some says that they are crazy people from and Asylum, they are crazy already when they saw the Monsters so being insane and doing crazy things is not new to them, but for me they are just a people that with different point of view. They represents things around us, like Media, News, different persons or things that could affect us, They say to open out eyes and look, to look into what they think is good for us, but clearly its not.

We know that Malorie is a Self-Centered person, a very introvert being, that don't want to go outside, and care less about the present situation. and in the near ending of the movie, she lost of the kids and the Groaning of the Creatures comes near to them, but Malorie said "Do Not Take My Children", it clearly shows that She finally opens up for others, and she Cares for the kids, so the Monsters are gone.

There are tons of things in the movie that just a representation on our everyday lives. If you show Negativity like Fear, you will just ending up Dead, not literally but in a way. That is what the movie is trying to tell the audience.

On the last part of the movie, Malorie and the kids are saved in a facility for the Blind. And if you could remember, people can survive if they don't see or look directly to the Creatures. well Blind men will have no problem with that, so they are living in that School for the Blind.

No you don't have to be blind to survive everyday with these Monsters or Creatures lurking around. you just have to Love yourself, and live on what you have, Blind people in the can't see, but they are happy just like normal people.

The lesson is, if we control ourselves, by not being consumed by Negative vibes, we are invincible, we can do any thing.

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