According to Jamie Lee Curtis, "the appropriate people" are discussing a Freaky Friday sequel

Jamie Lee Curtis revealed on the Glass Onion red carpet that Disney is "interested" in another Curtis x Lohan collaboration
It's been a while since we've had a Friday that might be described as "Freaky," if you discount Freaky, the Freaky Friday horror-comedy starring Vince Vaughn; if you don't dismiss that, it's only been two years. Nonetheless, what they really want is not just a body swap, but a body swap between Jamie Lee Curtis and Lindsay Lohan. Finally, Freaky lovers may get their dream granted.

"The appropriate people are talking" about it, according to Jamie Lee Curtis. Curtis walked on the red carpet for Glass Onion to announce that Disney is "interested" in another Freaky Friday, probably branded "Freakier Friday," after promising another collaboration with Lohan earlier this week.

"There is no set date, but we're discussing it," Curtis told Variety. "Everyone is chatting. The right people are speaking up."

Given the amount of money Disney has spent on heritage sequels this year, it wouldn't be out of the question. Hocus Pocus 2 has already had "the largest opening for a streaming movie ever recorded" in Nielsen history, which should not surprise Gray Man fans. If Disenchanted, which will be released later this month, proves to be a similarly good investment, it will make a Freaky Friday 2 even more appealing to Disney.

"In a week, I'll be 64, and Lindsay will be 36...[A sequel] lends itself so wonderfully," Curtis added. "We're both committed, and it's not our decision to make." It's up to Disney, and I believe they're interested, so we're discussing."

Curtis was less enthusiastic when asked whether they would produce more Freaky Fridays after that, developing a Freaky Cinematic Universe that would include Freaky, Vice Versa, Like Father Like Son, and, of course, The Hot Chick. She persisted on "trying to get another one created," which is understandable.

#JamieLeeCurtis #LindsayLohan #FreakyFriday #FreakyFriday2 #FreakierFriday

SOURCE: avclub

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