What to do while Overwatch 2 server is down

Prepare for These 7 Significant Overwatch 2 Gameplay Changes. There's more to keep an eye out for than Blizzard's anti-tank 5v5 switch

Prepare for These Significant Overwatch 2 Gameplay Changes. There's more to keep an eye out for than Blizzard's anti-tank 5v5 switch
Sorry, the old Overwatch is unavailable at the moment. She's no longer alive. At 3 p.m. today, October 4, Overwatch 2 will arrive at EST to replace her, and the days of 6v6 and free-range characters not cloistered behind a battle pass are long passed.

You most likely have some questions. It's an understandable reaction to learning that one of your games has been replaced with a body double with a nerfed butt. Your apprehension is normal, and you should be prepared in case you need to start working on this year's "Top 5 Butts In Overwatch" YouTube video as soon as possible. To help you through this challenging (but still extremely exciting) transition, I've compiled a list of seven gameplay changes to be aware of before you pick up Overwatch 2 for the first time.
Prepare for These 7 Significant Overwatch 2 Gameplay Changes. There's more to keep an eye out for than Blizzard's anti-tank 5v5 switch

Prepare your phone number

Before you can discover any of Overwatch 2's revamped gameplay, you must first have a functional phone number. Blizzard said in a blog post on September 27 that, in order to eliminate "disruptive play," all players will be required to link a non-VOIP, non-pre-paid phone number to their battle.net account. And when Blizzard says all players, it means all—including those who possess a physical copy of Overwatch and those who play on consoles.

Also, Blizzard intends to record players in order to generate a "temporary voice chat recording of a reported player and automatically transcribe it through speech to text systems."

"Once the audio recording has been transcribed to text, it is swiftly destroyed," Blizzard wrote. "No later than 30 days following the audio transcription, the text file is removed." Because we do not preserve voice chat data indefinitely, our system relies on users reporting disruptive behavior as soon as they encounter it in game."
Prepare for These 7 Significant Overwatch 2 Gameplay Changes. There's more to keep an eye out for than Blizzard's anti-tank 5v5 switch

First-timers are spoiled (unless they give Blizzard money)

Blizzard said on September 27 that it was trying a new method to soften the initial Overwatch 2 experience and prevent cheating: any account created on or after October 4 would be subject to the First Time User Experience (FTUE).

The FTUE will restrict new accounts by:
  • Implementing early account restrictions, such as limited game modes and heroes. Players from FTUE will be unable to access Competitive mode until they have completed 50 Quick Play matches.
  • Players must go through two phases: the first unlocks all game modes and in-game chat, while the second takes finishing 100 or so matches and unlocks all old Overwatch heroes.
Despite the fact that Overwatch 2 is ostensibly free to play, anyone who bought the Watchpoint Pack, a $39.99 content bundle that includes a Premium Battle Pass for Season 1, legendary hero skins, virtual cash, and more, will strangely dodge FTUE. Blizzard appears to have pulled the Pack from its marketplace with similar esotericism (but console sites are still selling it).
Prepare for These 7 Significant Overwatch 2 Gameplay Changes. There's more to keep an eye out for than Blizzard's anti-tank 5v5 switch

In either case, welcome to Overwatch's 5v5 mode

Since the beta's release this summer, you've undoubtedly been anticipating Overwatch 2's main gameplay revamp, which will move the shooter away from its 6v6 setup and into more standard 5v5 territory. Consider this your reminder that it is fully here and happening.

Teams will lose one tank in 5v5, meaning they will only have one instead of two. As a result, teams will be more vulnerable to damage, players will need to be more strategic, and tanks will need to be as thick and loyal as ever.
Prepare for These 7 Significant Overwatch 2 Gameplay Changes. There's more to keep an eye out for than Blizzard's anti-tank 5v5 switch

Portrait levels, farewell

Portrait levels, which denoted a player's rank and expertise, are no longer available. Blizzard announced in a September 28 blog that experience will instead be used to level up your Battle Pass, a themed, seasonal floodgate for 80+ cosmetic unlockables.

The following items are also being replaced, deleted, or altered:
  • Skill Tier Divisions will replace "SR," or skill rating. "Tier Divisions represent the same skill levels as SR, but they provide players with a higher-level picture of where they're situated in Competitive," Blizzard explained in a blog post on September 28. "Each division represents around 100 SR ranges." Instead of every game, players will receive a competitive update every seven victories or 20 defeats." Competitive mode will keep its levels, Bronze, Silver, Gold, and so on. "Each tier will have five divisions rating from 5 (lowest) to 1 (highest)," Blizzard noted. "As you advance through each tier, your division will decrease until you reach the next tier. Tier divisions will not exist in the Top 500."
  • Competitive skill tiers: While competitive tiers will continue, they will no longer be displayed prior to matches. Players will instead see a scoreboard. This finalized scoreboard, unlike the one that irritated gamers during Overwatch 2's beta stage, will not display medals.
  • Placement: In Overwatch 2, your Competitive rating is essentially a blank slate. Blizzard noted on September 28 that you won't be ranked until "your first competitive update after the first seven victories or 20 defeats." Returning players' ranks will be changed "post-launch," and Blizzard warns that they may "find their rank is slightly lower when they first start out, as they will be learning new concepts and metas." However, Blizzard also writes that "players who got to learn more about the game in our betas, or who follow the Overwatch League, may find themselves ranked higher than ever."
  • Competitive rewards: the Top 500 Leaderboards and Competitive Points are still available, however awards such as animated sprays and icons are no longer available. In their place, Blizzard put, "restricted Competitive titles for your name card." Furthermore, Competitive Points will be capped "to the highest skill tier you achieve in any of your roles," with 3,000 CP earning you a Golden Weapon for any of Overwatch 2's new or existing characters.
Prepare for These 7 Significant Overwatch 2 Gameplay Changes. There's more to keep an eye out for than Blizzard's anti-tank 5v5 switch

Feel free to "ping" someone

Blizzard is introducing a "ping" system to alleviate some of the strain on voice chat. To "ping" someone or something, go to Overwatch 2's settings and press the "ping" button (on a keyboard, it's "G"; on a controller, it's left on the D-pad). You can utilize this to direct teammates to specific locations or foes, and different types of pings will result in varied acknowledging language from heroes, such as "attacking," "defending," or "require help."
Prepare for These 7 Significant Overwatch 2 Gameplay Changes. There's more to keep an eye out for than Blizzard's anti-tank 5v5 switch

Experiment with new game types, "push" and other features

Overwatch has seven different game modes, including those available in its Competitive and more casual Quick Play categories, all of which brought variation and unique fun in gaming.

With the pull of its now-seasonal paradigm, Overwatch 2 eliminates Assault, a mode in which teams had to seize or defend objectives on a map, and introduces new game modes that will be released in waves. Push is the first new game mode to be launched, and it is described on the Overwatch website as a "symmetrical map type" in which "teams will battle to seize control of a robot that begins in a central area, then push it toward the enemy base."
Prepare for These 7 Significant Overwatch 2 Gameplay Changes. There's more to keep an eye out for than Blizzard's anti-tank 5v5 switch

In significant ways, familiar characters are reinvented

Overwatch 2 will implement a series of balance updates to its heroes, both generically and individually, on a seasonal basis. In the first season of the game, you'll discover:
Temporary health grants a 50% reduction in ultimate charge rather than zero ultimate charge as before.
Eliminations improve reload and movement speed by 25% for 2.5 seconds. This effect does not stack, but its duration is refreshed with each elimination.
When you replace any sort of hero, not just DPS heroes, you receive an up to 30% ultimate power return.
After an elimination, DPS heroes will earn a 25% increase in movement and reload speed.
The "Commanding Shout" of Junker Queen has been weakened. Its ally health benefit was reduced by half, from 100 to 50 HP, its allied duration was reduced from 5 to 3 seconds, and its cooldown was increased from 11 to 15 seconds.
Orisa's base health rose from 250 to 275, as did her base armor, and her Energy Javelin cooldown decreased from 8 to 6 seconds.
D.Va's impact damage has been increased from 10 to 25, her Micro Missiles cooldown has been shortened by one second, and her Call Mech ultimate cost has been reduced by 12%.
Brigitte's healing ability Inspire has had its duration reduced by one second.
The primary fire damage of Baptiste's Biotic Launcher has been boosted by one point, and its minimum falloff range has been increased from 20 to 25 meters.
Mercy's Guardian Angel movement, Pressing Crouch, launches you vertically, and you can begin a safe Angelic Descent by keeping Crouch in the air.
Bastion's Ironclad passive has been brought back.
Reaper's Hellfire Shotguns dispersion was reduced by one point.
Sojourn's Railgun's environmental energy gain was cut in half.
Sombra's Hack ability lockout time was increased from 1 to 1.75 seconds.
Finally, only tanks can stun.

#Overwatch #Overwatch2 #Blizzard

SOURCE: kotaku

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