Google Japan's ridiculously Long Stick Keyboard is real

Google Japan's ridiculously Long Stick Keyboard is real

You can find all of the DIY information you need to make one for yourself here
"Hey you! You with the short keyboard! Look how short your keyboard is! Look and weep." - Google, probably.

Google has introduced a new keyboard with an innovative ergonomic design. Rather than arranging the keys in stacked rows as we're used to, this keyboard smartly arranges them in a line from left to right. It results in a 1.65m long stick-shaped board with all the keys of a standard keyboard arranged in series.
Google Japan's ridiculously Long Stick Keyboard is real
In a fun video from Google Japan (via Tom's Hardware (opens in new tab)), you can witness this new design in action as well as have the rational explained to you in progressively bizarre ways. It first explains that when they're all lined up, it's much easier to find the key you're looking for because you only have to look along one axis instead of two, but it only gets crazier from there. You see, this innovative board not only functions as a keyboard, but it also has a handy stick that can be beneficial in a variety of situations.
Google Japan's ridiculously Long Stick Keyboard is real
The GBoard stick is characterized as "broad enough for a cat to stroll on," but it also notes that a cat is far less likely to slumber on it, and its shape makes it far easier to clean in one swipe. The height is also highlighted as having a "pleasant thickness" and the ability to support up to three t-shirts if supported at both ends, all of which are equally crucial. Though it makes me hesitant to use it as a walking stick, as demonstrated in the video.
Google Japan's ridiculously Long Stick Keyboard is real
Despite being a lovely amusing prank, you may genuinely obtain this extra-long board. Google isn't selling it, but has instead released the DIY project on Github(opens in new tab) for anybody to try, and from the listing, it's evident that a lot of effort was put into this project. You'll need a 3D printer and some know-how, but you'll soon have your own stick keyboard developed exclusively for catching development issues with net attachment.
Google Japan's ridiculously Long Stick Keyboard is real
It may also not be altogether absurd in its own right. While the movie and the official website(opens in new tab) are both ludicrous, a shared keyboard for coding or gaming isn't such a horrible concept. There may be merit in having a keyboard that is spread out sufficiently to get people moving at their desks, to have more than one person use it at the same time, or just to shake up a common design.
That being said, I'm not sure if setting things down like this is the best way to go about it, but I'm willing to experiment with some typing duets. After all, they say that heaven and hell are the same for authors. We are all given metre-long keyboards, yet in heaven we collaborate to utilize them, while in hell we are set on fire and beaten with them.

#Google #GBoard #Keyboard #LongKeyboard #StickKeyboard

SOURCE: pcgamer

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