A terrifying video shows a Drop Tower ride malfunctioning at an Indian carnival

The unexpected crash injured more than a dozen people
It's a carnival goer's worst nightmare come true. A drop tower ride at an Indian carnival fell 50 feet before collapsing. Several people were injured in the fall and were taken to neighboring hospitals.

The event occurred on Sunday night in Mohali's Dussehra Ground Park, a major city in Punjabi. The ride in question is a spinning saucer that slides down a vertical pole, and it seats approximately 50 people. A horrific video shot by bystanders shows the fairground attraction sliding out of control and spinning swiftly to the ground before crashing, while riders and onlookers scream in terror. Riders were thrown from their seats after it crashed, despite being strapped in.
According to media accounts, at least ten people were badly injured, including five children, but are now in stable condition. The mobile carnival was supposed to run until September 11, but it has now been canceled. The carnival's safety licenses are currently being investigated by officials. "We'll figure out what occurred." "It appears there was a technical difficulty," said Sunny Singh, the carnival's organizer, to Hindustan Times. "We planned multiple fetes, but this never occurred." We will work with the police and the administration."

#MohaliDussehra #GroundPark #Punjabi #DropTower #IndianCarnival

SOURCE: gizmodo

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