The one thing all successful slimmers have in common, according to science

The one thing all successful slimmers have in common, according to science

A new study has revealed the secrets to losing weight and keeping it off
Artificial intelligence was used to elicit the best advice from over 6,000 people who avoided regaining weight after going on a diet.

In the United Kingdom, approximately 67% of men and 60% of women are considered obese or overweight.

However, many people find it extremely difficult to maintain their weight once they have lost the extra pounds, leading to yo-yo dieting.

Scientists in the United States have now surveyed the methods used by people to lose weight and created the ultimate "how to" guide.

"One of the most impressive findings was how weight-loss maintainers described perseverance in the face of setbacks," said author Professor Suzanne Phelan of California Polytechnic State University.

"Weight-loss keepers saw setbacks as a necessary part of their successful journey."

Around 6,000 Weight Watchers (WW) members were asked to reveal their secrets after losing more than 50 pounds (just over 3.5 stone) on average and keeping it off for at least three years.

They were asked open-ended questions about their motivations and strategies for maintaining weight loss, specifically what lifestyle changes they needed to make.

The researchers then used machine learning, a type of artificial intelligence, to group their responses by topic (AI).

Diabetes and heart disease, which are leading causes of death in the UK, were discovered to be common reasons for wanting to lose weight. Concerns about mobility, appearance, and advice from friends and family were also motivating factors for people to lose weight.

Many people said that perseverance was essential in overcoming "inevitable setbacks" that could derail people's weight loss plans.

According to Professor Phelan: "Setbacks were not referred to as failures, but rather as a temporary stumbling block in their path.

"Many weight-loss maintainers described getting back on track the next meal or day, and measuring overall success based on long-term goals."

Taking it day by day and using workshops to mentally reboot after difficult weeks was also recommended, according to the researchers.

Consistently monitoring one's food intake was a necessary skill for people to maintain a healthy lifestyle and avoid regaining weight.

Weight loss maintainers were most motivated by their health and appearance, as well as reminiscing about their previous experiences.

They also saw losing weight as a challenge, especially when it came to buying new clothes, dealing with criticism from others, sagging skin, and the effort required to maintain a healthy lifestyle.

As a result, the topics that are highlighted when people are counseled on how to maintain their weight loss may need to be revised.

"As a lifestyle interventionist and researcher, I'm excited to think about how to promote perseverance, encourage tracking of intake, and make changes in medical status more salient during the weight-loss journey," Professor Phelan said.

The findings were published in The Obesity Society's Journal.

#SuccessfulSlimmers #Slimmers #WeightWatchers #WeightLoss #Obesity

SOURCE: yahoo

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