Questions We STILL Have after the Season Finale of The Book of Boba Fett

10 Questions We Have Following the Season Finale of The Book of Boba Fett

The latest Star Wars Disney+ show has concluded, leaving us with some unanswered questions about what happened and what comes next
The story of Boba Fett has come to an end. At least for the first chapter. The seventh and final episode of The Book of Boba Fett season one aired today, which means there won't be any new Star Wars content on TV for at least a few months. The show also left a lot of unanswered questions, most of which have little to do with the titular character, whose portion of the story was, for the most part, fairly well wrapped up.

Following the conclusion of season one of The Book of Boba Fett, we have ten burning questions. Beware of spoilers.
Why were two episodes of The Book of Boba Fett devoted almost entirely to the Mandalorian?

Why were two episodes of The Book of Boba Fett devoted almost entirely to the Mandalorian?

The fifth and sixth episodes of The Book of Boba season one were largely devoid of Boba Fett, which was arguably the biggest surprise of the season. They featured Boba Fett's cooler, newer, shinier version, the Mandalorian—a character created in response to fans' long-standing affection for Boba Fett. Which, we believe, is why Mando appears for so long in this story: his cocky swagger and insistence on always wearing his helmet are much more in line with what the audience expected from a Boba Fett show.

Of course, there's more. Boba's need for muscle to aid him in his fight against the Pykes begged for Mando's presence. However, once Mando was brought in, it would have been extremely unsatisfying not to address all of the cliffhangers from his previous season: the Darksaber, Grogu, Luke Skywalker, and so on. Remember, the shows are all connected, and they're all made by the same people, so you can expect writer Jon Favreau and producer Dave Filoni to realize that sneaking what amounted to two episodes of The Mandalorian into The Book of Boba Fett not only made Mando's upcoming third season tighter, but it also made Boba Fett more enjoyable for viewers. Which it undoubtedly did, albeit at the expense of Boba's screen time.
Will we find out when Luke and Ahsoka first met?

Will we find out when Luke and Ahsoka first met?

The most shocking content in those Mandalorian-centric episodes had to do with Luke Skywalker. Not only is he training Grogu, but he's also become acquainted with Ahsoka Tano. A casual fan may dismiss this as "of course those two Jedi know each other," but a) Ahsoka isn't a "Jedi," and b) holy shit, there's so much more to it.

Anakin Skywalker's Padawan was Ahsoka. She lived through the Clone Wars, both the television show and the actual conflict. Not only does she know things about Luke's father that no one else does, but she also knows things about Luke's mother Padmé, Luke's mentor Obi-Wan Kenobi, and even Luke's master Yoda—all of the people Luke didn't get to spend enough time with, Ahsoka can tell him about. She understands the Jedi Order, what's good about it, what's bad about it, what works and what doesn't. She's Luke Skywalker's personal walking, talking Wookieepedia. And it's unfortunate that the show robbed us of their meeting by jumping to a point where they're already friendly. We hope and pray that we will be able to see or read more about their relationship at some point.
Is Cobb Vanth still alive?

Is Cobb Vanth still alive?

Cad Bane shoots Cobb Vanth at the end of Chapter Six as a warning not to get involved in Boba's war with the Pykes. When Vanth's people from Freetown ignore that and show up anyway, they admit that Cobb is no longer alive. If you wait until the end of the final episode, you'll see Cobb Vanth in Boba's heal-all Bacta tank, with the Mod Artist (Stephen "Thundercat" Brune) standing over him. The implication is that, as he did with Fennic Shand, Boba will literally resurrect Cobb and, hopefully, have another person in his debt. So, while Cobb is currently dead, he won't be for long.
What's the deal with the Twins?

What's the deal with the Twins?

If Boba Fett is going to take over Jabba the Hutt's operations, it stands to reason that his family will have an opinion. As a result, the Twins, two Hutts who appear in the show, give Boba some shit, and then leave, are introduced. They contributed narrative momentum and, most importantly, introduced Krrsantan into the mix. But they're too interesting not to see again. How did they get there? What are their given names? Where do they have sway? Do they have any real power? Did they ever get to meet Jabba? Are they just as ruthless as he is? All of these are questions we'd like to have answered someday.
Is Cad Bane truly gone?

Is Cad Bane truly gone?

I agree with Cobb Vanth that we can definitely answer this one. Yes. Cad was killed by Boba, proving the blue bounty hunter's point that no matter how merciful Boba thinks he is, he's still a murderer at heart.

But, let's be honest, Star Wars isn't particularly good at keeping people dead. So we wouldn't be surprised if Cad Bane reappeared. But for the time being? He is Dead.
Grogu's survival of Order 66 is a mystery

Grogu's survival of Order 66 is a mystery

Luke Skywalker opens Grogu's mind during his training, and we see his vision of Order 66, when the Republic Clones turned on and massacred the Jedi. The three Knights who were protecting Grogu are killed, but he survives. We don't know how he survived or who saved him, but we're sure we'll find out eventually. What we do know is that if it is a Jedi, he does not remain with him for long. Remember that when we first meet Grogu, he is a prisoner and the Empire is aware of him.
Did Mando misplaced his Darksaber?

Did Mando misplaced his Darksaber?

You might be perplexed by this one, so bear with me as I explain. The lore and significance of the Darksaber were obviously a big part of the Mandalorian's sections of the show and, we assume, his story moving forward. In the finale of The Book of Boba Fett, we see him pull out and use the mythical saber to fight the large, shielded droids. The saber is knocked out of his hands and on the ground the last time we see it on screen, and he moves away from it. In the following scene, he is holding Grogu and leaving the area. It's possible that when he fights the Rancor later, it'll be on his belt, but it's unclear.

What is clear is that he threw it down and walked away. While it's likely he just picked it up off-screen, there's a chance he was so overwhelmed and excited to see Grogu that he dropped the saber in the dirt, forcing him to go back and get it. It would be a good reason for him to reappear in The Book of Boba Fett, wouldn't it? (You can see all of this for yourself around 38:30 into the final episode.)
Is it true that the Pykes have been defeated?

Is it true that the Pykes have been defeated?

Boba Fett appears to be in good shape at the end of the finale. He's defeated the Pykes, and now everyone looks up to him. However, recent Star Wars storytelling has suggested that the Pykes are one of the galaxy's largest crime syndicates. So, while this one group on Tatooine has been defeated, we can assume that there are others throughout the galaxy who are not pleased with these events. If the Pykes do not return, stronger than ever, another syndicate will undoubtedly try to take over the world.
Is there going to be another Book of Boba Fett?

Is there going to be another Book of Boba Fett?

Boba, Fennic, Krrsantan, and the Mods all hang out in Mos Espa at the end of The Book of Boba Fett, finally one big family. There has yet to be a definitive answer that season two of The Book of Boba Fett will be released, but Disney+ does refer to it as "season one" in its menu. With the open ending and the Cobb Vanth tease, we're almost certain we'll see these characters again on Disney+.
What will happen next for the Mandalorian and Grogu?

What will happen next for the Mandalorian and Grogu?

Grogu and the Mandalorian, back to their playful ways, are the last characters we see in the main story of The Book of Boba Fett. It's unclear what's next for them, but a few likely stories linger, most notably that the Armorer told Mando he was no longer a Mandalorian and that in order to atone, he must go to "the living waters beneath the mines of Mandalore." So he's probably heading back there, and if he does indeed have possession of the Darksaber, he has a claim to that throne, though Bo-Kat. Also, we know Grogu chose Mando over being a Jedi, but can his training be complete? Is he going to get his own Mandalorian helmet? All of these questions will undoubtedly be addressed in The Mandalorian season three, which is currently in production and is expected to premiere this winter.

#TheBookOfBobaFett #BobFett #Mandalorian #Grogu #LukeSkywalker #Darksaber #CadBane

SOURCE: gizmodo

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