People who are single earn less money than those who have relationships

People who are single earn less money than those who have relationships

Being Single has always been difficult. New figures illustrate how difficult it may be on a person's finances.

According to a recent Pew Research Center study of census data, almost 40% of Americans between the ages of 25 and 54 lived without a spouse or partner in 2019. This is a significant increase from 1990, when just 29 percent of Americans were unpartnered.

Since then, single people's economic prospects have deteriorated in comparison to those with relationships.

"Unpartnered people earn less than paired adults on average and are less likely to be employed or economically independent," according to the research. "They also have lower levels of education and are more likely to live with their parents."

In 2019, the median wages for unmarried males were $35,600, compared to $57,000 for coupled men. For women, the difference was $32,000 against $40,000.

The research also discovered a "marriage benefit" for those who have married versus couples who are merely cohabiting. For example, 89 percent of males living with a partner are working, compared to 92 percent of married men.

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SOURCE: Yahoo News

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