How to Level Up More Quickly in Dying Light 2

How to Level Up More Quickly in Dying Light 2

Earn a lot of XP in Techland's open-world zombie game, Dying Light 2: Stay Human
Dying Light 2, Techland's next open-world zombie RPG, is now available on the majority of key platforms. You're most likely playing it right now. But it's possible that you're having your a$$ given to you in the early stages, as I did when I started the game on normal rather than easy. That's fine; there are other methods to get experience points outside rushing through the main tale. In fact, you might want to stray a little from the established road. The extra levels you can obtain as a result will make a significant impact later on.

You get experience points by leaping around and kicking ass, just as in the original 2015 Dying Light. The keys to leveling up Aiden Caldwell and unlocking talents in his combat and parkour skill trees include running, jumping, climbing, and battling everything and anything. While you will level at a set rate just by playing, you may increase your rate of progress by adjusting your strategy somewhat. Here are some tips for leveling up quicker in Dying Light 2.
How to Level Up More Quickly in Dying Light 2

Climb Everything That Comes Into View

Once you're out in the open, one simple method to get parkour experience is to climb anything around you: the pole tied to the side of a decaying home. That perilous wire construction that linked two cinder towers. Whatever you can get your hands on is a quick method to level up since almost every activity—from the tiniest mantle to the farthest leap—gives you experience points.

Look for side-quests.
Side-quests become available after you complete the first two or three major tasks, and they're a great opportunity to gain extra levels on the side. Some even provide you with thousands of combat or parkour points, implying that completing just two or three side missions might easily net you an upgrade point or two.

While a few side tasks grant experience in both skill trees, the majority prefer one over the other. So, if you're interested in a specific talent but are having difficulty gaining experience points in combat or parkour, simply embark on a side-quest. You'll quickly obtain an upgrade point.

As a side note, even if you don't intend to complete them right away, pick up side-quests anytime you encounter them since you might just solve them in the course of normal gaming, which is easy XP for you.
How to Level Up More Quickly in Dying Light 2

It might be frightening, but run at night

At night, things get a little dicey. Zombies swarm the streets, acting ferociously. Then there are the quick bolters, the towering demolishers, and the shrieking howlers, which signal other surrounding zombies, causing them to begin a chase. I urge the chase, especially as you'll gain even more experience if you make it safely to a UV-lit safehouse. But if that's too scary (and it may be! ), simply stick to the roofs and go for a run. You'll notice that completing the same parkour movements as you would during the day will get you an extra serving of experience points. Running at night, like in the original game, effectively doubles the amount of experience you gain, making the dark ideal for leveling.
How to Level Up More Quickly in Dying Light 2

Complete Those Tasks

You'll come across time-limited tasks as you explore the city of Villedor. One, for example, has you delivering sandwiches to people all throughout town in three minutes or fewer. I know, no one needs a turkey club delivered in record time during a zombie apocalypse, but as ridiculous as these tasks sound, they're simple to perform and reward you with a plethora of experience points. And they're easy to spot! Whether you're looking at the in-game map or scanning the horizon with binoculars, just search for icons shaped like a fist (fighting) or a foot (parkour) in the skills menu and select your waypoint.
How to Level Up More Quickly in Dying Light 2

Don't Fight During the Day

Fighting is the only method to obtain battle experience points. Any disagreement is a good squabble because it all adds up to more experience, but you'll gain more XP for your efforts if you kick someone's ass after nightfall. Once again, the dark almost doubles the number of experience points you get. So, if you get into fights at night, especially near a safehouse where UV lights can protect you, that's easy levels right there. Stock up on weaponry and wait for the zombies to come to you.
How to Level Up More Quickly in Dying Light 2

Activate Windmills Early

Windmills dotted across the city serve as safe havens, where you may store your possessions and buy products from NPCs. They also serve as a highly easy starting point for completing neighboring side-quests and challenges, resulting in extra XP. You only need to activate the windmill, which has a stamina cost. Before approaching a windmill, use your binoculars to check it out; if the symbol is red, you should work on your stamina more. If it's white, hurry out and add it to your expanding anti-zombie business.

The beginning of Dying Light 2 might be difficult. Aiden, despite being a Free Running expert or something, starts out mushy. It's conceivable that you'll perish. Leveling up quickly, I've discovered, is the key to early success. Because after you've acquired some talents and gathered better equipment, things get much easier.

#DyingLight2 #StayHuman #Techland

SOURCE: kotaku

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