How to Hide the Fact That You're Pooping

How to Hide the Fact That You're Pooping

Your company does not have to be the same as everyone else's
When you're taking a dump, the rest of the world doesn't need to know. Sure, it's a basic biological function that no one should be embarrassed of, but there are times when you just want to defecate without alerting everyone with sounds and odors. Here's how to go about it.
How to Hide the Fact That You're Pooping

Plan ahead of time for peace

If you know when and where you'll need to go, you may prepare ahead of time to do it when there are less people around. A less-used restroom may be around the corner or on a different level in an office, school, or other large structure. While everyone else uses the more visible, closer restroom, you may have your own little pooping kingdom right down the hall.

Try time as well: if you get a coffee on your way to work and always need to leave as soon as you arrive, consider changing your schedule so that you have coffee or breakfast before leaving the house. Because hot liquids make us want to defecate (it doesn't even have to be coffee), you can use a drink to time yourself.
How to Hide the Fact That You're Pooping

Mute the sound

Turn on the bathroom fan if it has one. (This improves the sound and scent.) If you're sharing a hotel room or hiding from a roommate, consider a pre-shower poop as you wait for the water to warm up.

There are also white noise gadgets designed to mask toilet sounds, such as the Faux Fan, a small speaker that makes fan noises. Personally, I believe it's stranger to hear a fan sound emanating from one stall of a public restroom than to hear pooping noises, but you do what helps you relax. Instead of hauling about a poop-masking fan device, how about downloading one of those YouTube films with 10 hours of fan noises and playing it from your phone?
How to Hide the Fact That You're Pooping

Hide the odor

Even if no one sees you're pooping when you're pooping, that distinct odor usually gives it away. You do, however, have alternatives.

A spritz of air freshener or a scented substance, such as perfume, may go a long way. When washing their hands, some people swear by sudsing up extra scented hand soap in the sink. And, if there is a fan, remember to leave it on even after you leave the restroom.

But wait, there's more. Even the most scathing reviews of Poo-pourri, which you drizzle into the toilet before dropping one in, admit that it works. The general assumption appears to be that there will be less poo stench in the air overall, but whatever smell does escape will blend with the product's citrusy or ginger-y aroma. (This is, of course, a problem with any fragrance-oriented strategy.)

How do you keep the odor from infiltrating the air in the first place? Let's start with the courtesy flush. When you hear a plop, you just flush the toilet. This may need flushing two or three times (you'll also want to flush your toilet paper), but it's an excellent method for dealing with odors.

Also, before you leave, inspect the toilet bowl. Some toilets flush more slowly than others, and you don't want to trust that a flush or two would get rid of all the evidence. After all, if you leave a log, the next person will know precisely what you were doing in there.

#Toilet #FauxFan #Bathroom #Flush #PoopingSound #PoopingSmell

SOURCE: lifehacker

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