The BEST indoor plants for better Feng Shui

We all know that adding a few lovely indoor plants to your home can help it seem brighter, fresher, and more soothing, but did you know that some indoor plants may also assist enhance the Feng Shui of your home?

We all know that adding a few lovely indoor plants to your home can help it seem brighter, fresher, and more soothing, but did you know that some indoor plants may also assist enhance the Feng Shui of your home?

The traditional Chinese technique of Feng Shui centers upon organizing your house, workplace, or other area in such a manner that beneficial energy, or chi, permeates through places to assist enhance your health, prosperity, and luck.

These techniques are based on an old Chinese literature, the Book of Burial from Guo Pu's commentary, and roughly translate to "wind-water." Many of us are accustomed to not placing mirrors across from our bedrooms or ensuring that luck does not travel directly through our houses by placing front and back doors facing each other.

There are, however, some valuable Feng Shui advice on how specific indoor plants may assist boost the chi of our houses. Here are some helpful hints.
The BEST indoor plants for better Feng Shui

Remove any bad energy

By placing a plant within a meter of your electronic equipment - computers, televisions, etc. - you may help offset the surplus electromagnetic energy they emit. Aloe Vera is an excellent alternative since its thick leaves are considered to be capable of absorbing such negative energy. It is, however, prickly, so be sure to pair it with a softer, rounder plant nearby.

Useful plants include Aloe Vera, jasmine, and Bamboo.
The BEST indoor plants for better Feng Shui

'Water' outflow balance

To ensure that your house is precisely balanced for good luck, try to limit the amount of water – a sign of luck or money – that flows away from you and your property. Have the toilet seat down and the bathroom door closed, and keep a plant in the bathroom to absorb any bad chi energy.

Useful plants include Pothos or Devil's Ivy, Peace Lily, and Air Plant.
The BEST indoor plants for better Feng Shui

Increase your good fortune

Adding any plant to your home can assist to battle overall lethargy and malaise since adding greenery and connecting with nature is always a good thing. However, prickly plants should be avoided since they may 'pierce' your good fortune. You may also assist in increasing your own luck with specific plants. The Jade plant, often known as the Money Tree, is widely utilized in Chinese culture because its round leaves represent good fortune. Kumquats are also excellent symbols of 'gold' and money'
Useful plants include jade plants, philodendrons, calatheas, and kumquats.

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SOURCE: yahoo

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