Unlimited Steak or Too much Samgyeopsal might be BAD for your Health

Unlimited Steak or Samgyupsal might be BAD for your Health

According to a new study, increased meat consumption like Beef Steak or Samgyeopsal is associated with higher incidence of serious disease.

A massive study spanning decades reveals that red meat and processed meats are far worse for us than previously assumed.

A new study adds to the growing body of data that eating too much red and processed meat is not only unhealthy, but also increases your risk of developing numerous serious diseases.
Unlimited Steak or Samgyupsal might be BAD for your Health
The investigation, which was published in the medical trade magazine BMJ, focused on popular red meat and processed meat food items derived from animals such as cows, pigs, lambs, and goats. Between 1993 and 2018, the researchers examined data from the United Nations Food and Agricultural Organization on meat production and trade. They researched 154 countries in detail, then noted how the amount of red meat and processed meat consumed corresponded with noncommunicable diseases (NCD) associated with that type of cuisine. They assessed the proportions of deaths and years of life spent with a handicap that could be ascribed to food in adults over the age of 25 who were caused by coronary artery heart disease, diabetes or bowel cancer.

The findings were unequivocal: eating more red meat and processed meat increases your chances of getting sick.

According to the authors, three-quarters of the 154 nations saw increases in death rates and years of life with a handicap that could be directly ascribed to the global meat trade. In raw human numbers, this translates to 10,898 deaths between 2016 and 2018 that can be directly linked to increases in red and processed meat consumption associated with trade increases. This represents an almost 75 percent growth over the same period from 1993 to 1995.

During the same time period, the worldwide meat trade contributed to increases in attributable fatalities of 55% and years of life with a handicap of 71% in affluent nations, as well as increases of 137% and 140% in underdeveloped countries.
Unlimited Steak or Samgyupsal might be BAD for your Health
Northern Europe, Eastern Europe, Oceania, and the Caribbean were the most affected.

"The health consequences of red and processed meat trade have significantly increased in Northern and Eastern European countries, as well as island countries in the Caribbean and Oceania, undermining international and national pledges to healthy diets," the authors found. "Although many dietary guidelines have been proposed around the world for both human health and environmental sustainability, few worldwide initiatives and national guidelines for sustainable diets clearly address the spillover effects of meat commerce across countries."

This is not the first study to show that eating red meat is hazardous for you. Another recent scientific study, presented on Monday at the American Heart Association Scientific Sessions 2021, found that animal fat is associated with a higher risk of stroke, whereas vegetable fat is associated with a reduced risk. Its authors stated that even slight changes in red meat and processed meat intake could result in "huge" public health advantages. (The findings, which were compiled over a 27-year period by 117,000 health-care professionals, have yet to be published in a peer-reviewed publication.)

Similarly, a July study published in the scientific journal Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition examined the results of 1.4 million adults followed for 30 years and discovered that eating 50 grams (1.75 ounces) more red meat every day was associated with a 9% higher risk of Ischemic heart disease; eating 50 grams more processed meat every day was associated with an 18% increased risk. (The American Cancer Society advises 85 grams of meat, or three ounces.) In contrast, there was no corresponding increase linked to poultry consumption.
Unlimited Steak or Samgyupsal might be BAD for your Health
Other research have reaffirmed the premise that tiny changes in one's diet can have significant health repercussions. A study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association last year shown how replacing animal protein with plant protein can have a significant impact on a patient's health, whether cardiovascular or otherwise.

The study's co-authors said, "The connection between plant protein intake and overall mortality was consistent across the subgroups of smoking status, diabetes, fruit consumption, vitamin supplement use, and self-reported health status." "Replacing 3% of animal protein energy with plant protein was negatively linked with overall mortality (risk fell 10% in both men and women) and cardiovascular disease mortality (11% lower risk in men and 12% lower risk in women)."

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SOURCE: Salon.com
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