Create Your Own Weighted Blanket

Create Your Own Weighted Blanket

Choose your favorite fabric and save money by making one yourself
If you're having difficulties sleeping, a weighted blanket may be calming, and some individuals find that they sleep better when they use one. Finding the perfect blanket for you in terms of size, weight, and design may be difficult with such a specialized product—and they can be rather pricy. You may, however, create your own weighted blanket that is as peaceful and beneficial as the store-bought type.

To begin, you will require:
  • A machine for stitching
  • A scale for the kitchen
  • Fabric measuring tape that is flexible
  • Scissors
  • A fabric marker that is washable
  • Pins
  • Strong thread
  • Beads of plastic filler
  • Two heavy-duty fabric layers (large enough to cover your body).
  • Using an iron to press your pieces as you proceed is also beneficial, but not quite required.
To figure out how much fabric you'll need, measure your height and then construct a blanket that measures your height by your height, minus roughly eight inches. Most fabrics will be offered by the yard, and two yards will most likely enough. Select a fabric that has some weight but is also soft. Fleece, thicker flannel, and blanket-specific fabrics will work nicely. Keep in mind that you will most likely want to wash your blanket at some time, so choose a material that is easy to clean. Choose a thread that complements your cloth or, if you want to see the stitching, one that contrasts. For novices, using a thread color that blends in makes it simpler to disguise mistakes.

Stitching Fabric for a Weighted Blanket

First, sew the two fabric pieces together on three sides, with their faces inward. Because this will be the edge of your blanket, you can double stitch it. Turn the cloth right side out and iron the edges flat. Then, making a border for your blanket, stitch the outside of the three sides one half inch from the edge of your initial seam. You should now have a bag with three completed sides and one open side.

Make your squares and sew your rows together

Next, use your fabric marker to form lines every four inches along the open edge, as well as every four inches across and up and down. You can use a dotted line or any method that allows you to stitch a straight line. Then, moving towards the open edge, sew the two panels together every four inches, commencing opposite the open edge. After stitching each row, you should have long, slender pockets.

Fill in and sew your squares

Fill each long pocket with around one ounce of filler beads and pin along the line going perpendicular to your pockets. Along the first horizontal line, stitch. Repeat this technique until you reach the last row of squares, making your way towards the opening row. Except for the last row, you should have rows of squares with filler beads in each one at this stage.

Complete your blanket

Fill the last row of pockets with an ounce of filler beads, then turn in the fabric edges and press flat. Then, double stitch a half inch from the edge to complete the blanket's edge and close the last row of squares. You should now have a finished blanket.

#DIY #WeightedBlanket #Blanket

SOURCE: lifehacker

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