Most likely, the Yeti is a rare bear species.

Most likely, the Yeti is a rare bear species.

Bear that could Stand and Walk in two feet?

Yeti is a strange, bipedal, apelike monster believed to live in the Himalayas for thousands of years by local Himalayans and visitors alike. They believe in Sasquatch, too. In the Lepcha culture of modern-day Bhutan and Nepal, tales of the Yeti extend back thousands of years. It's true that there has never been a living Yeti, or even a dead one, like there has been with most other cryptozoological creatures. Yeti enthusiasts have only been able to provide flimsy proof such as footprints or samples of questionable origin as evidence of their existence.

Some of these "Yeti" samples were collected by a documentary film crew in 2016 and examined by scientists at the University of Buffalo. Researchers analyzed hair, bone, skin, and feces believed to have belonged to a Yeti, as well as a collection of excrement. The samples were primarily from Himalayan brown bears or black bears, according to DNA analyses.

Most likely, like with the Loch Ness Monster, individuals have mistaken a normal animal encounter for something magical, as they did with this sighting. A brief contact with an apex predator can cause confusion in anybody.

Most likely, the Yeti is a rare bear species.

#SarcasticGamer #SarcasticReview

SOURCE: Ranker

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