Earn Money from FIVERR even without much SKILLS

You can actually earn from Fiverr, even if you are NOT a Professional

You can actually earn from Fiverr, even if you are NOT a Professional

Fiverr is an Israeli online marketplace for freelance services. The company provides a platform for freelancers to offer services to customers worldwide.

Fiverr serves to allow listing and applying for small one-off jobs, or gigs, online. Jobs listed on the platform are diverse and range from "get a well-designed business card" to "help with HTML, JavaScript, CSS, and jQuery". Fiverr is a company built on the model of listing temporary work positions. Freelancers work in a variety of workplaces, ranging from home to office. Fiverr serves as e-commerce platform to freelancers & companies to sell their services by using their gigs. Gig is basically an advertisement of services. Gig include all the details of a services same like ecommerce products The pricing of Gigs depends on how much a seller earns per completed task. The buyers buy services in the form of gigs.

Fiverr has received criticism for advertising very cheap graphic services. At the end of 2014, Fiverr's Facebook page advertisement saying "You're paying too much for design" caused a public outcry. In 2013, Fiverr lifted the five dollar base price and began allowing logo designers, graphic artists, voice over artists and other sellers to charge the base prices they set for themselves.

Fiverr gives 100% privileges to buyers thereby neglecting seller rights. After a job has been completed, a buyer has the full rights to request for a refund. Critics argue that Fiverr needs a balance in their equal-rights policy for both sellers as well as buyers.

#SarcasticGamer #SarcasticReview

SOURCE: ozkar

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