Avril Lavigne is a VAMPIRE with the real Sk8er Boi Tony Hawk

Avril Lavigne with the REAL Sk8er Boi, The Legendary Tony Hawk

Avril Lavigne with the REAL Sk8er Boi, The Legendary Tony Hawk

Recently Avril Lavigne make a TikTok account and post a video of her wearing a Pop Rock outfit just like she wore in the early 2000

And surprisingly The Legendary Tony Hawk, appears in the video doing some tricks in a small back yard  Half Pipe.


He was a… @tonyhawk ##GoSkateboarding ##sk8rboi

♬ Sk8er Boi - Avril Lavigne

Also even posted in an Instagram post from Tony Hawk, he posted a video of Avril Lavigne trying some trick on her own.

#GoSkateboarding #sk8rboi #AvrilLavigne #TonyHawk
#SarcasticGamer #SarcasticReview

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