Managing a Service Enterprise

Managing a Service Enterprise This case course explores the extents of doing well in Service Company. It prepares students for progressive management and suggests innovative entrepreneurial opportunities. Exceptional service organizations are managed in a different way than their "merely good" competitors. Proceedings are based on completely different assumptions about the way accomplishment is achieved.  The results show not only in terms of conservative measures of routine but also in the eagerness of the employees and quality of customer satisfaction.  Starting with the service encounter, service managers must combine marketing, technology, people, and information to attain a unique competitive gain.

Managing a Service Enterprise
This case course explores the extents of doing well in Service Company. It prepares students for progressive management and suggests innovative entrepreneurial opportunities. Exceptional service organizations are managed in a different way than their "merely good" competitors. Proceedings are based on completely different assumptions about the way accomplishment is achieved.  The results show not only in terms of conservative measures of routine but also in the eagerness of the employees and quality of customer satisfaction.  Starting with the service encounter, service managers must combine marketing, technology, people, and information to attain a unique competitive gain.

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