He watches his Motel Guests' private moments from the ceiling, and witnessed a shocking moment
Voyeur a person who gains sexual pleasure from watching others when they are naked or engaged in sexual activity.

New York: A Serendipiter's Journey (1961)
The Bridge: The Building of the Verrazano-Narrows Bridge (1964)
The Overreachers (1965; compilation of past reportage)
The Kingdom and the Power (1969)
Fame and Obscurity (1970; compilation of past reportage)
Honor Thy Father (1971)
Thy Neighbor's Wife (1981)
Unto the Sons (1992; memoir)
Writing Creative Nonfiction: The Literature of Reality (1995) (textbook; with Barbara Lounsberry)
The Gay Talese Reader: Portraits and Encounters (2003; contains material from New York: A Serendipiter's Journey, The Overreachers and Fame and Obscurity)
A Writer's Life (2006; memoir)
The Silent Season of a Hero: The Sports Writing of Gay Talese (2010; compilation of past reportage)
The Voyeur's Motel (2016)
And Magazine articles
"Frank Sinatra Has a Cold". Esquire. April 1966.
"The Silent Season of a Hero". Esquire. July 1966.
"Charlie Manson's Home on the Range". Esquire. March 1970.
"The Crisis Manager". The New Yorker. September 24, 2012.
"The Voyeur's Motel". The New Yorker. April 11, 2016.
Received a letter from a man named Gerald Foos, a self proclaimed Researcher, who admittedly spying or Vouering his motel customers for years for RESEARCH, that he had something that might Gay be interested.
Gay Agreed to meet with an open mind, and eager to find the truth, and upon telling what really happen, Gerald and Gay became friends. And with that friendship Gerald told Gay that with years of watching his Motel's customers, he witnessed a Murder.

Voyuer is a documentary about a Journalist finding a truth, a Person who is telling the truth, and a curious society that needed to know the truth.
Produced by Trisha Barkman and released exclusively on NETFLIX on December 1, 2017, directed by Josh Koury and Myles Kane, with Cinematography by Cris Moris.
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