Piracy is still ALIVE

Piracy in Movies and TV Series is Alive again because of this reason

Downloading Movies and TV series online is a form of Piracy, and its popularity raises because of the expensive Cable Subscription price.

But when Streaming came into business like Netflix, offering much lower Monthly fees, and the On Demand features, that is no doubt that it will be the next big thing.

In that way, Audience subscribed and enjoy the unlimited Movie and TV Series Marathon, but at the time Companies who makes Movies and TV Series realizes, Why not they make a service like Netflix and offer their own Videos. So there came, Disney+, Amazon Prime , and HBO.

So, if you only watch a certain series from those Online Channels, you still have to pay for the monthly subscription fee.

The Audience had enough of this Companies and that is why Piracy is here again, Downloading the only videos they want, and where and when they want.