The Story of Bootlegs or Knock Off Toys

The Story of Bootlegs or Knock Off Toys
Why there are Bootlegs or Knock off Toys?

If you are a Parent and looking for a toys for your kids, you go for the cheapest one, but If you are a Toy Collector, you definitely a very meticulous person in choosing or picking an Action Figure to buy, because you always look for paint quality, tight joints, and of course of the item is Legit or Authentic.

Because today, there are a lot of Sellers that didn’t know if they are selling a fake one, and also some of them lied to their buyers telling that their items are Authentic, taking advantage to those regular buyers, just to make profit.

However, the question are, why is there are so many Fake toys out there? Who made those, and is there an International Law about making Fake toys and sell in public?

The Story of Bootlegs or Knock Off Toys

I will try to elaborate this matter based on research and some answers from Seller and Manufacturer themselves. Please remember that different kinds of toys have different stories to tell, from 6” Action Figures, and to LEGO designs.

Its starts in AGREEMENT
Imagine this, The BUYER is a big company, and wants a Toy line that they plan to sell worldwide, so Millions of pieces is what they are looking for. Therefore, the BUYER looked for cheaper Factory to make the Toys they want. Here comes the MANUFACTURER.

The BUYER wants to buy for example 1 Million pieces of certain Character, (Figures are examples ONLY) from the MANUFACTURER with the agreed price.

Next is the PRODUCTION
The MANUFACTURER cater the demand of 1 Million pieces, and in addition they made more than 1 Million instead, let us just say they made 2 Million pieces in total.

So now, the QUALITY CHECK has begun. and after that of course not all 1 Million pieces of toys are perfect, there are a lot of defects can be seen even the slightest paint smudge, and the BUYER won’t allow that of course, they only take or buy 1 Million pieces that they think is perfect enough to sell in public. Still some handful of pieces slips the Quality Check. Like mispackaged ones.

Now the Question now was, what would the MANUFACTURER do to the other 1 Million pieces with defects? This is where the SELLING starts. In addition, there is some agreement from both BUYER and MANUFACTURER that the pieces with defects will not be goes out in the Factory.

Sometimes, the MANUFACTURER are willing to BURN the defective pieces to recycle the plastic used, for another project, as per contract with the BUYER. But there are times that there is no agreement at all.

So the BUYER is currently selling the perfect toys they got. Meanwhile, the MANUFACTURER not bounded with any agreement, they sell the slightly Defective 1 Million pieces to small time RETAILERS.

When the RETAILERS enters the scene, they are now responsible for spreading the defective pieces to the world. Of course, they sell for a cheaper price, not to compete with the ORIGINAL pieces. Sometimes they will identify that the item or tell the customers that their item had defect. In addition, most of it, they even make a packaging or box with the same design as ORIGINAL ones, just to fool others.

So is there a LAW regarding this? Definitely YES, if the MANUFACTURER and the BUYER had an Agreement, and the defective pieces still goes out in public, the BUYER can file a case. However, if there is no Agreement, definitely the BUYER cannot file any chargers, the only who could file a case against the MANUFACTURER is the owner of the Design of what is produced.

There are many Stores closed down and Sellers put behind bars because of this. Still there are a lot. So the faith of Toy Quality is in our own hands, it’s up to us if we want to support this by purchasing slightly defect Action Figure, or do not buy at all.