Shadow Of The Tomb Raider, that is or well maybe, thanks for the leaked image of a man browsing his file on a subway.
Since the remake of the Legendary female character Lara Croft, there are 2 greatly appreciated games came out, Tomb Raider and Rise of the Tomb Raider, and now they are planning to come up with a 3rd sequel.
But out of the blue, there is an image floating around the internet about the 3rd game in the series, this is the very controversial image.

If you could zoom in, you could see the words above the name Tomb Raider, its 3 words, 6 letters in the 1st, 2 in the 2nd, and 3 letter in the 3rd word, so more speculating came up with the idea, that the words are "SHADOW OF THE" followed by Tomb Raider.
Square Enix have not yet released a statement regarding this matter, if its confirmed, or its just a pitch form the game developers or marketers.
Well this is maybe not the first time that something is leaked about games, if you could remember that a post on REDDIT of a man saw a marketing PowerPoint presentation of several game titles, and the Assassin's Creed: Black Flag really stood out for him, and later that info was actually true. And that happens in an Airplane.
Source: KOTAKU