What is DepEd's Sexuality Education Program

What is DepEd's Sexuality Education Program

DepEd's Comprehensive Sexuality Education Program Sparks Debate Amidst Opposition

The Department of Education's (DepEd) Comprehensive Sexuality Education (CSE) program has ignited intense debate among stakeholders, with critics raising concerns over its content and potential impact on young learners. The program, outlined in Senate Bill (SB) 1979 or the Prevention of Adolescent Pregnancy Act of 2023, aims to equip students with knowledge on sexual and reproductive health, gender equality, and respectful relationships.

DepEd released the implementing guidelines for CSE in public and private schools seven years ago. However, its implementation under SB 1979 has faced strong opposition from various sectors, including religious groups, parents' associations, and conservative organizations. These groups claim that CSE infringes on parental authority and promotes controversial reproductive health measures.

DepEd states that CSE is a curriculum-based program that educates children and young people about the cognitive, emotional, physical, and social aspects of sexuality. It aims to improve holistic wellness, address health and protection needs, equip learners with life skills, promote gender equality, and reduce health risks.

Critics argue that the Family Sexual Education Act (CSE) promotes early sexual activity, contradicting the bill's focus on preventing adolescent pregnancies. The National Coalition for the Family and the Constitution launched "Project Dalisay," an online petition opposing CSE and SB 1979, citing challenges to traditional family values, gender fluidity, sexual diversity, and conflict with Christian and Islamic morality.

DepEd Secretary Sonny Angara emphasized the importance of prioritizing the health and well-being of Filipino youth, urging a multi-sectoral approach to address concerns. The department will collaborate with stakeholders, explore models from communities and other countries, and ensure balanced policy implementation.

Save the Children Philippines urges the Senate to pass an adolescent pregnancy prevention bill due to alarming statistics, including daily maternal deaths and a 35% increase in live births among 15-and-under girls.

About the Writer

Jenny, the tech wiz behind Jenny's Online Blog, loves diving deep into the latest technology trends, uncovering hidden gems in the gaming world, and analyzing the newest movies. When she's not glued to her screen, you might find her tinkering with gadgets or obsessing over the latest sci-fi release.
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