KIDS Hate Facebook, but still gets 4,500 Notifications a Day

KIDS Hate Facebook

Kids are constantly bombarded with notifications and have access to a wide range of social media platforms
The kids are not alright. A new study has found that kids are getting upwards of 4,500 notifications a day and are increasingly hating Facebook. The study, conducted by Common Sense Media and C.S. Mott Children's Hospital at the University of Michigan, tracked the cell phone data of 11 to 17-year-olds in the U.S. for one week.

Study Shows

The study found that kids are picking up their phones an average of 51 times a day and spending nearly two hours on TikTok each day. The most popular social media platforms among teens are Snapchat and Discord, with TikTok coming in third. Facebook, on the other hand, is tanking in popularity, with less than 20% of teens using the platform on a regular basis.

Why do kids hate Facebook

There are a few reasons why kids might hate Facebook. First, it's seen as a Boomer platform. Second, it's not as visually appealing as other platforms like TikTok and Instagram. Third, it's not as engaging as other platforms. Teens want to be entertained and entertained quickly, and Facebook doesn't always deliver on that front.

What can parents do

Parents can help their kids manage their screen time and notifications by setting limits and talking to their kids about the importance of digital balance. Parents can also encourage their kids to use social media platforms that are more appropriate for their age group.

The study's findings are a reminder that kids are growing up in a very different world than we did. They are constantly bombarded with notifications and have access to a wide range of social media platforms. It's important for parents to be aware of the challenges that kids face and to help them develop healthy digital habits.


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