Who and Why Dynaya is Calling You

Who and Why Dynaya is Calling You

Dynata is a legitimate market research company, but their calls can be annoying
If you've ever received a phone call from someone asking if you'd be interested in participating in a survey, chances are it was from Dynata. Dynata is a market research company that collects data from consumers to help businesses make better decisions. While Dynata is a legitimate company, their calls can be annoying, especially if you're not interested in participating in surveys.

What does Dynata do?

Dynata collects data from consumers through a variety of methods, including phone surveys, online surveys, and focus groups. The company's clients include businesses of all sizes, as well as government agencies and non-profit organizations. Dynata's data is used to help businesses understand their customers' needs and preferences, so they can make better decisions about their products, services, and marketing campaigns.

Why are they calling me?

Dynata calls people who are randomly selected to participate in surveys. The company tries to reach a diverse range of people, so they can get a representative sample of the population. If you've been called by Dynata, it's probably because you fit the demographic profile of one of their clients.

How Dynata got my Number?

Dynata may gets people's numbers in a few ways:
  • Publicly available records: Dynata may purchase lists of phone numbers from public records, such as voter registration lists or property tax records.
  • Data brokers: Dynata may also purchase lists of phone numbers from data brokers, which are companies that collect and sell personal information.
  • Voluntary participation: Some people voluntarily give Dynata their phone numbers when they sign up for surveys or other marketing programs.
  • Cold calling: Dynata may also cold call people, meaning they call randomly generated phone numbers in the hopes of finding someone who is interested in participating in a survey.

How to stop Dynata calls

There are a few ways to stop Dynata calls. The first is to remove your contact information from Dynata's call list. You can do this by calling Dynata's customer service line at 1-833-757-1746.

If you've already removed your contact information from Dynata's call list and you're still getting calls, you can block Dynata's number on your phone. To do this, open your phone's settings and find the "Blocked Numbers" list. Add Dynata's number to the list and they won't be able to call you anymore.

Here are some tips for stopping Dynata calls:
  • Remove your contact information from Dynata's call list. You can do this by calling Dynata's customer service line at 1-833-757-1746.
  • Block Dynata's number on your phone. To do this, open your phone's settings and find the "Blocked Numbers" list. Add Dynata's number to the list and they won't be able to call you anymore.
  • Register your phone number on the National Do Not Call Registry. This will prevent most telemarketers from calling you, including Dynata.

Beware of fake Dynata calls

It's important to be aware of fake Dynata calls. Scammers may call you pretending to be from Dynata in order to get your personal information. If someone calls you claiming to be from Dynata, be sure to ask for their name and company ID. You can also hang up and call Dynata's customer service line to verify the call.

Dynata is a legitimate market research company, but their calls can be annoying. If you're not interested in participating in surveys, you can remove your contact information from Dynata's call list or block their number. Be sure to be on the lookout for fake Dynata calls, as well.


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