Tank Up and Conquer: The Best Mobile Legends Heroes for Newbie Tank Players

Tank Up and Conquer: The Best Mobile Legends Heroes for Newbie Tank Players

Learn about the best MLBB tanks for beginners in this informative article. Discover the top heroes, tips, and strategies for effective gameplay.
#MLBB #MobileLegends #Tanks #GamingTips #BeginnerGuide

Mobile Legends Bang Bang (MLBB) is a popular multiplayer online battle arena (MOBA) game with a wide range of hero choices. Among these hero roles, tanks are one of the most important and essential roles in the game. They are responsible for initiating team fights, absorbing damage, and protecting their allies. In this article, we will discuss the best MLBB tanks for beginners.

What are MLBB tanks?

MLBB tanks are heroes who are primarily built to take damage and protect their teammates in team fights. They have high health points (HP) and armor, making them durable and able to withstand enemy attacks. Tanks are also equipped with crowd control (CC) abilities such as stuns, slows, and knockups, making them capable of disrupting enemy attacks and controlling the battlefield.

Why are tanks important in MLBB?

Tanks are important in MLBB because they provide the necessary frontline support that enables their team's damage dealers to deal damage safely from the backline. Without tanks, the team would be vulnerable to enemy attacks and would have difficulty initiating team fights. A good tank can also help control the battlefield, making it easier for their team to secure objectives and win team fights.

Best MLBB tanks for beginners


Tigreal is a great tank for beginners because he is easy to use and has a straightforward kit. He has a crowd control ultimate that pulls enemies towards him, making it easier for his team to follow up with their own abilities.


Johnson is a tank with a unique ability that transforms him into a car, allowing him to quickly move around the map and initiate team fights. He is also equipped with crowd control abilities that can stun and knock up enemies.


Grock is a tank with high damage output, making him a good choice for players who want to deal damage while still fulfilling the tank role. He also has a unique passive that grants him additional armor when he is near walls, making him even harder to kill.


Hylos is a tank with a lot of sustain, making him great for players who want to stay in fights for longer periods of time. He is also equipped with a crowd control ultimate that can stun multiple enemies at once.


Akai is a panda-themed tank with a lot of mobility. He can roll around the map and knock up enemies with his ultimate ability, making him a great initiator for team fights.

How to play MLBB tanks effectively

Playing tanks effectively in MLBB requires good positioning, game sense, and decision-making skills. Tanks should always be positioned at the front of the team, ready to initiate team fights and protect their allies. They should also be aware of the enemy team's abilities and cooldowns, and use their own crowd control abilities to disrupt the enemy team's attacks.

Tips for beginner tank players

Communicate with your team

Tanks should always communicate with their team to coordinate team fights and objectives.

Practice positioning

Good positioning is essential for tanks, as they need to be at the front of the team to initiate fights and protect their allies.

Learn when to engage

Tanks should learn when to engage team fights and when to back off. This requires good game sense and decision-making skills.

Build tanky items

Tanks should focus on building tanky items that provide HP and armor, making them even more durable.

Practice using crowd control abilities

Using crowd control abilities effectively can be the difference between winning and losing team fights.

In summary, MLBB tanks are an important role in the game, providing frontline support and control for their team. For beginners, Tigreal, Johnson

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