RA 11698 Vintage Vehicle Law of the Philippines: A Guide to Registration and Penalties

Learn about the RA 11698 Vintage Vehicle Regulation Act, its penalties, registration process, and related laws. Register your vintage car or motorcycle on time and comply with the regulations.
Owning a vintage car or motorcycle is a dream for many, but it comes with its own set of challenges, including registration and compliance with laws and regulations. Republic Act No. 11698 or the Vintage Vehicle Regulation Act aims to streamline the registration process and protect vintage vehicles. This article will provide a comprehensive guide to RA 11698, its penalties, registration process, and related laws.

What is RA 11698 Vintage Vehicle Regulation Act?

RA 11698 is a law that provides for the registration and operation of vintage cars, motorcycles, and other vehicles in the Philippines. The law was enacted to regulate and protect vintage vehicles, which are considered cultural artifacts and have significant historical and cultural value.

What is RA 11697?

RA 11697 is a related law that grants tax incentives to individuals and companies that restore and maintain vintage cars, motorcycles, and other vehicles.

RA 11698 Penalties for Late Registration in 2022

The penalties for late registration of vintage vehicles under RA 11698 depend on the type of vehicle and the duration of the delay. For example, if the registration is delayed for more than a year, the penalty for vintage cars is Php 2,000, while the penalty for vintage motorcycles is Php 1,000. The penalties are set to increase annually, so it's important to register on time.

How to Register Vintage Motorcycle in the Philippines?

To register a vintage motorcycle under RA 11698, the owner must submit the following documents to the Land Transportation Office (LTO):
  • Certificate of Stock Reported (CSR)
  • Original copy of the Official Receipt of payment
  • Duly accomplished and approved Motor Vehicle Inspection Report (MVIR)
  • Taxpayer's Identification Number (TIN)
  • Certificate of Registration (CR) or Certificate of Registration and Tax Payment (CTRP) of the donor vehicle, if applicable
  • Deed of Donation, if applicable
  • Special Power of Attorney (SPA), if applicable
  • Identification Certificate of the Authorized Representative (IDCAR), if applicable
  • The LTO may also require additional documents, such as proof of ownership and a detailed vehicle history.
If you own a vintage vehicle, make sure to comply with RA 11698 and register your vehicle on time to avoid penalties. Don't forget to take advantage of the tax incentives offered by RA 11697 to restore and maintain your vintage vehicle.

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