Elon Musk says if Apple and Google don't want Twitter, He would build his Own Phone

"I certainly hope it does not come to that," Musk wrote on Friday, "but, yes, if there is no other choice, I will make an alternative phone."
Elon Musk, Twitter's new CEO, makes so many statements on the network that it's difficult to keep up. Earlier this week, Musk surveyed Twitter users on whether he should provide "general amnesty" to banned accounts and engaged in a public debate on whether the disgraced founder of FTX, Sam Bankman-Fried, holds a stake in Twitter. Musk was at it again on Friday, telling folks that he would produce an alternative phone to compete with Apple and Google.

Naturally, the tech billionaire's remarks were in reaction to a tweet fired at him by conservative podcaster and former OANN anchor Liz Wheeler. Wheeler tweeted on Friday afternoon that Musk should build his own phone if Apple and Google decide to remove Twitter from their app stores. Given Musk's devotion to "free speech"—as long as it doesn't annoy him—and loose content filtering, Twitter's future in Apple and Google's app stores has been a hot subject recently.

"If Apple and Google remove Twitter from their app stores, @elonmusk should build his own phone." "Half of the country would gladly abandon the biased, snooping iPhone and Android," Wheeler stated on Friday. "If he can build rockets to Mars, surely he can build a silly little smartphone?" "

Three hours later, Musk informed Wheeler that if Twitter was removed from Apple and Google's app stores, the official gates to iPhone and Android devices throughout the world, he would develop his own phone. Wheeler had begun her own poll asking people if they would use a "tELONphone," maybe in tribute to Musk, who enjoys polling people on Twitter.

At the time of publishing, "Yes" was the most popular response, accounting for 56.2% of the 52,707 votes cast.

"I certainly hope it does not come to that," Musk wrote, "but, yes, if there is no other choice, I will make an alternative phone."
Both Apple and Google have regulations prohibiting the inclusion of hate or discriminatory speech, bullying, harassment, or sexually explicit content in their app marketplaces. Following the attack on the United States on January 6, Capitol, Apple, and Google removed Parler from their app stores for its part in assisting rioters in planning the event, however it was reinstated when improvements were made. Kanye West, who officially changed his name to Ye, is said to be in negotiations to purchase Parler.

While Musk has stated his plan to develop his own phone if Apple and Google cross him, it's crucial to remember that this man says a lot of things that never come to pass. Remember the Tesla Semi, which is now three years late? Or the Cybertruck, which proved to be ineffective in a live demonstration? Heck, the only reason he owns Twitter is that he couldn't find a way out of the contract.


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