When Downsizing, How to Declutter Your Home

When Downsizing, How to Declutter Your Home

You cannot bring everything with you to your new home
When we talk about “downsizing” it’s usually referring to the size a person’s home. For example, people may decide to sell their larger family home after their children have grown up and moved out, because they simply no longer need that much living space anymore. Others buy or rent a home that initially seemed like the right size for them, but later realized that it’s too large.

Whatever the reason for your relocation, part of the downsizing process includes getting rid of things you no longer need and making sure everything has a place in your new home; in other words, some serious decluttering. Here are some possible solutions.

Downsizing: How to Declutter

There's no need to put off decluttering until you have a firm moving date. In fact, the sooner you can complete it (or at least start the process), the better: you'll feel less overwhelmed during the already stressful process of packing and moving. Here are some techniques that may be useful:

Sort things into destinations

Sort your belongings into three large boxes (or areas) labeled "keep," "toss," and "donate." Make an initial sweep through your home, grabbing the items you know you want to donate or throw out and moving them out as soon as possible. This will give you more room to work on everything else.

Sort the items according to their category

Pull out all of the items in a specific category, such as glassware, towels, or crockery, even if they are scattered throughout your home (i.e. the kitchen, closets, the basement, the attic, etc). This will help you determine what you have and what you need to keep. Perhaps you have nine cookie sheets but only realized you had four that you use regularly. The remaining five can be donated if you don't need them.

Take out your papers

It's easy to accumulate paperwork over time, but chances are you're keeping some you don't need: a warranty for an appliance you no longer own, paper copies of utility bills that are now all available online, paper plane tickets and travel itineraries for trips you took a long time ago. You don't have to create an entirely new file system before moving, but you should go through your papers and shred anything you no longer need.

#Declutter #downsizing

SOURCE: lifehacker

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