According to Pope Francis, Priests and Nuns also browse PORN online

Priests and Nuns also browse PORN and LUST aren’t that Serious
Pope Francis informed aspiring Roman Catholic Church clergy that priests and nuns browse online pornography.

According to Pope Francis, even church leaders are horny little demons

The pope informed aspiring clergy of the Roman Catholic Church this week that priests and nuns consume pornography online just like everyone else.

"It is a vice that many individuals have, including many laymen, laywomen, priests, and nuns." According to the European Times, Francis declared on Monday, "The Devil gets in the way."

"And I'm not only talking about illegal pornography involving child abuse, which is already degradation." But there is some 'normalcy' in pornography, dear brothers. Be careful about this," he urged seminarians during a gathering in Rome.

A student of the church had questioned the notoriously tolerant 85-year-old pope if believers may use contemporary devices such as telephones.
"It is a vice that many people have, many laymen, laywomen, priests and nuns, and the Devil gets in that way," Pope Francis explained.

A church student questioned Pope Francis whether followers should utilize contemporary gadgets.

"You have to use them, simply for that, as an assistance to get by, to communicate: That's great," the pope remarked.

"There's another thing you're familiar with: internet pornography." "I'll spell it out," he said. "This pornographic material cannot be received by a pure heart, one that accepts Jesus every day." That is the order of the day today. And if you have the option, erase it from your phone."
The 85-year-old Pope also advised people to erase digital porn from their phones if possible.

Pope Francis even warned against "pornography that is a bit 'normal.'"

Last year, Pope Francis stated that desire is not the most serious of the seven deadly sins.

According to Pope Francis, lust is not the greatest of the seven deadly sins

Outside of marriage, there are worse sins than sex, the pope of the Catholic Church told reporters on the papal jet en way from Greece to Italy on Monday, according to Reuters.

"Sins of the body are not the most severe," the 84-year-old holy leader remarked of extramarital sex. According to Reuters, the top offenses are pride and hate.

Francis' rating of the worst wrongdoings came after the resignation of a Paris archbishop earlier this month due to a connection with a woman. According to Reuters, the 70-year-old French clergyman, Michel Aupetit, denied getting intimate with the unnamed female, which would violate his oath of chastity.

"It was a failure against the sixth commandment (You shall not commit adultery), but not a total one, one of minor caresses, massage given to his secretary — that is what the charge is," Francis explained of Aupetit's activities. "There is a sin, but it is not the worst type."

The pope stated that he accepted Aupetit's resignation not because he had committed a sin, but because the rumors were too harmful.

"He was sentenced, but by whom?" He could no longer rule based on popular opinion or hearsay," Francis told reporters. "I accepted Aupetit's resignation on the altar of hypocrisy, not the altar of truth."

"I seek forgiveness from anyone I may have affected," he said in a statement released on Thursday. "The attacks on me have severely concerned me... I pray for people who may have intended terrible things on me, as Christ has taught us."

#PopeFrancis #Vatican #Porn

SOURCE: nypost

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