These Tofu Puff Pizza Rolls are now available

These Tofu Puff Pizza Rolls are now available

They passed the Official Pizza Roll Test: they burned the heck out of their mouths
My favorite type of tofu is tofu puffs. They're pre-fried, chewy and crispy, and have a honeycomb-like inside that soaks up sauces like a dream. They're also pretty hollow on the inside, making them an excellent carrier for stuff and things—in this case, pizza sauce and mozzarella cheese.

Even as a big fan of tofu puffs, I was surprised at how effectively the fried soy bean morsel worked as a substitute for the traditional doughy casing. They were crispy, yes, but also pleasantly chewy in a way that I can only describe as "quite fun." And, as someone who has been lifting really heavy things and trying to make those gains, any extra protein helps, and they're a good substitute if you're trying to limit carbs. (They also passed the Official Pizza Roll Test: they burned the crap out of my mouth.)
These Tofu Puff Pizza Rolls are now available
Making a tofu puff pizza roll is a simple, if rather messy, process. To begin, prepare a batch of filler by combining two parts shredded mozzarella and one part pizza sauce by volume. I used 1 cup of cheese and 1/2 cup of sauce, which was plenty for two packages of tofu puffs (about 40 puffs).

You'll need to stuff the puffs after you've made your filling. Place them on their most stable side and cut a "x" in the top with a very sharp knife, being careful not to cut all the way through the puff and out the other end.
These Tofu Puff Pizza Rolls are now available
Take a teaspoon of filling and stuff it into the puff using clean fingertips. This will feel a little nasty, and I apologize for that, but it's the quickest way to stuff the puff. Continue adding filling until the puff is full, then top with a bit additional mozz.

Puff rolls should be baked at 350°F until the tops are golden and bubbling. It just took three minutes to cook in an air fryer. (It took five minutes to make a second batch using chilled filling.) An oven will take a little longer, so start monitoring at five minutes and remove them after they're browned on top.
These Tofu Puff Pizza Rolls are now available
If you want the true molten-cheese-mouth-blistering experience, eat the pizza roll puffs right away, or wait a few minutes for them to cool down. I like to serve them with extra pizza sauce for dipping, but garlic sauce would also be tasty.

#Tofu #Pizza #TofuPizza #TofuPuff #TofuPuffPizzaRolls

SOURCE: lifehacker

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