How to Identify a Child With Sensory Processing Disorder or SPD

SPD can cause people to be hypersensitive and quickly overstimulated, or hyposensitive and "sensory-seeking."
Sensory Processing Disorder (or SPD) is a neurological illness in which a person is unable to interpret external or internal stimuli in the same manner that a "normal" person would. You are familiar with your five senses: sight, sound, touch, taste, and smell. A person with SPD may dislike bright lights, loud sirens, or strong odors. There are, however, perceptions of yourself in space (proprioception) and movement (vestibular). People with SPD might be hypersensitive and avoid being overstimulated, or hyposensitive and "sensory-seeking."

Samantha Davis, an occupational therapist at Kidsplay Therapy Center, describes each sensory system as a cup. "Ideally, our systems are a wonderful medium-sized cup," but for hypersensitive children, their cups are little. Stimuli, such as loud noises, "will make their cup overflow and may result in emotional outbursts, behaviors, or, for some kids, complete shutdown." A sensory-seeker, on the other hand, has a large cup—"but because their cup is so big, it takes a lot of input to fill it up." They may enjoy spicy foods or spinning on the tire swing.

How can you tell if your child has SPD?

When my own daughter was two years old, I recognized she was different from the other toddlers with whom we played. She feared being touched by other children and enjoyed jumping off of terrifyingly high jungle gyms. She also had temper tantrums and was having difficulty eating solids. I knew that autistic children typically have sensory sensitivity, but she didn't show any other indicators of being autism. I discovered a Sensory Smart Parent checklist, and she met requirements in numerous categories for both hyper and hyposensitivity.

Her pediatrician concurred that this sounded like sensory difficulties and sent us to a private occupational therapist for an evaluation. She was later enrolled in an early intervention program through our local school district. I discovered that we could have begun there as well and received a free assessment and services. If you suspect your child has SPD, check with your insurance company regarding private OT services—many of these sorts of exams and therapies are reimbursed.

What's the link between SPD, Autism, and ADHD?

"As of yet, there is no apparent link between why people on the spectrum or who present with ADHD also have SPD," Davis explains. However, "sensory processing disorder, autism spectrum disorder (ASD), and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) are all neurological illnesses." SPD is a comorbidity of the two conditions; while not every person with ASD or ADHD will also have SPD, it is common. In fact, it is suspected that more than half of those with ADHD also have SPD, and sensory abnormalities are one of the ASD diagnosis criteria." There is also a link between anxiety and SPD.

Furthermore, studies have shown that students who are cognitively bright are more likely to develop sensory sensitivity and SPD. Being sensitive or having another condition, such as ADHD or SPD, may make it difficult to identify an intellectually talented youngster because they do not always test well. Anecdotally, as a gifted student teacher, I can say that my gifted kids were substantially more sensitive than the general population.

How to Assist Your Child in Managing SPD

If your child has sensory issues, occupational therapy is a fantastic option. They are trained to create a "sensory diet" tailored to your child's individual needs, and can see things through their OT lens that the rest of us may miss. For example, our OT recognized that one of the reasons my daughter struggled with solids was that she didn't swirl food around in her mouth enough. She used specialized nutrition treatment to solve the problem.

"Parents may help their children by first listening to them, understanding the main reason of troublesome behaviors, and then finding a solution," says Caitlin Sanschagrin, OT and co-founder and owner of Bright SpOT Pediatric Therapy. "Modifications can be minor yet quite effective. Even switching sanitizers from gel to spray can make a big difference for a touch defensive child."

According to Sanschagrin, children with SPD should practice self-advocacy, sensory exploration, and emotional management. Allow your child to express their own thoughts and boundaries, engage in messy or risky play, and practice mindfulness and relaxation skills.

How to Discuss Your Child's SPD at School

Because SPD is not listed in the DSM-5, the standard classification of mental health illnesses, it is not necessarily qualified for special education services. "When kids have a medical or clinical diagnosis that impacts their progress in school, they would qualify under the special ed category of 'Other Health Impairment,'" explains Paulette Selman, a school psychologist and special education advocate in Oregon and Washington, "but because of its exclusion from the DSM-5, some kids don't qualify for services with an SPD diagnosis alone." Selman says that for school-aged children, your school may offer an Individualized Education Plan (IEP) or 504 for a child with sensory issues, whether or not they qualify for SPD, if they also have another diagnosis or if "there are delays with learning, behavior, or socialization." You should be able to get accommodations if it "substantially limits" school progress.

If your child does not require or qualify for special education, Selman emphasizes the importance of "team meetings" with teachers, the principal, or any other staff who work with your child to "go over what the clinician recommends as far as school-based supports, and get input from the teacher on whether the child has needed anything different than everyone else."

Sanschagrin also recommends providing teachers and staff with "cheat sheets" on your child that include "a brief assessment of the child's personality, hobbies, and strengths, as well as alerting them what tactics do and do not work well for them." I also go over "triggers" with instructors so they know what to look for before a breakdown occurs.

Adaptations for life

Remember that SPD is something to accommodate rather than "fix." We can assist our children absorb their great sensitivity and perceive all the sensations around them without becoming overwhelmed by teaching them tools and techniques to regulate their bodies and emotions.

#SPD #SensoryProcessingDisorder #MentalHealth

SOURCE: lifehacker

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