Grandzenka : SuperRangers RPG | gameberry studio | Simulation

Grandzenka : SuperRangers RPG | gameberry studio | Simulation

A strong light came down through the ruins, and I became a hero
A huge explosion occurs in a beautiful city on Earth.
Evil creatures began to appear in the ruins.
A strong light came down through the ruins, and I became a hero.

A real hot-blooded super rangers idle RPG!
Grandzenka : SuperRangers RPG | gameberry studio | SimulationGrandzenka : SuperRangers RPG | gameberry studio | SimulationGrandzenka : SuperRangers RPG | gameberry studio | SimulationGrandzenka : SuperRangers RPG | gameberry studio | SimulationGrandzenka : SuperRangers RPG | gameberry studio | Simulation

▶ Game Features ◀

- Experience the essence of the brave character you felt in the past.
- Raise a super robot that everyone will love!

#Grandzenka #SuperRangers #RPG #GameBerry #Simulation

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