Why Champagne Is Preferable to Beer for Your Super Bowl Party

Why Champagne Is Preferable to Beer for Your Super Bowl Party

Nothing shouts "party time" like popping the cork on a bottle of Champagne
Beer is the official beverage of football, but it may not always be so. When it comes to the greatest game of the year (in the United States), my expert, renowned, and much sought-after opinion is that the finest drink to offer at a Super Bowl party is Champagne.

After all, a football party is a party, and nothing says "party time" like ripping open a bottle of Champagne (or other sparkling wine, if you're on a budget). Only two teams get to play this game each year, and if one of them is your favorite, you deserve a fizzy, festive treat for helping them get all the way. (After all, they couldn't have done it without your help and rigorous adherence to game-day superstitions.)

Aside from the vibes and overall joy, Champagne is the greatest accompaniment for fatty, salty cuisine. It's the perfect palate cleanser, tongue brightener, and clean sweep your mouth requires after seven hot wings and 3/4 cup of onion dip. The acidity and effervescence of champagne wash away the unctuousness of a cheese pizza, the saltiness of a platter of nachos, and the greasiness of a chicken wing, allowing you to consume more pizza, nachos, and chicken wings. Isn't that what you're looking for? Isn't that why you had the party in the first place? To munch on Doritos, watch advertisements, and have a good time?

Again, if the expense of this step is exorbitant, there's no guilt in purchasing a low-priced bottle of sparkling wine from Italy, Spain, or the wine-producing regions of the United States. A 750-milliliter bottle of Trader Joe's Blanc de Blancs costs six dollars, is very dry, and tastes far better than it should. (It's also less hangover-inducing than a lot of cheaper bubbly because of the low residual sugar content.)

If you can't envision drinking wine on Super Bowl Sunday owing to strange gender and masculinity hangups, there's always the Champagne of Beers. Although I don't believe it's as palate cleaning as sparkling wine, inexpensive, basically flavorless beer is still a decent tongue resetter and won't load you up like a microbrew.

#NFL #SuperBowl #SuperBowlLVI #Champagne #Beer

SOURCE: lifehacker

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