According to a study, attractive individuals have better immune systems

According to a study, attractive individuals have better immune systems

Being pretty can be helpful at all
Everything must be halted! If you believed that beauty was a question of subjectivity, society conventions, or mandates, you were mistaken. According to a group of US experts, beauty may be connected to the power of our immune systems. Unbelievable, but (maybe) true!

It appears that beauty is more than just skin deep. A group of scientists from Texas Christian University in the United States has been looking into the relationship between physical beauty and the immune system's ability to fight off infections of all types. The concept is absurd, but the researchers believe that we are drawn to a specific type of beauty because we are physiologically wired to seek a healthy relationship. It's a phenomena they intended to illustrate in a research published in the journal "Proceedings of the Royal Society B."

The research included 159 male and female volunteers, all of whom were either students at Texas Christian University or members of the local community. They were photographed without makeup and with neutral facial expressions, and blood tests were performed. The scientists then asked 492 people who took part in an online poll to rank their physical appearance based on each image in the second phase of their experiment.
According to a study, attractive individuals have better immune systems

Could beauty be linked to good health?

The finding is unexpected because the most beautiful women and men also had the greatest rates of phagocytosis, a process that plays a critical role in the destruction of some disease-causing microorganisms. To put it another way, the more attractive you are, the more likely you are to have a healthy immune system – or vice versa.

The researchers did, however, notice some gender inequalities. Men who were deemed to be the most handsome were more likely to have high-functioning natural killer cells, which help the body eliminate viral infections. The attractiveness of women was linked to slower development of a bacteria in their plasma that causes food poisoning and localized infections.

There might be a relationship between how desirable you perceive a person's appearance and how well their immune system functions – which is ultimately predicated on your attraction to a prospective life partner's potential excellent health. However, this is the first research of its sort, and the findings need additional exploration, especially since such a concept would imply that beauty is objective, independent of cultural and socioeconomic concerns, and unrelated to personality.

In conclusion, the experts speculate that developments in contemporary medicine may have shifted the game when it comes to physical preferences. "With modern medication, illnesses are not as lethal as they formerly were," said the study's main author. "Perhaps it's alright if people drop their standards and start giving people who are less beautiful a shot."

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SOURCE: yahoo

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