How to Prevent a Freezing Outdoor Faucet or Spigot

How to Prevent a Freezing Outdoor Faucet or Spigot

A few simple actions to winterize your outside plumbing may make a significant impact.

Even if you don't use your outside faucet or spigot as often in the winter as you do in the summer (or at all), that doesn't mean you can ignore it for the whole season. That's because if your outside faucet, pipes, and the water inside them freeze, it can cause burst pipes and significant damage inside your home.

One alternative is to replace your present faucet with a frost-proof one, but for now, we'll focus on how to protect your current arrangement from freezing in the winter. Here's everything you need to know.
How to Prevent a Freezing Outdoor Faucet or Spigot

Remove your hose.

If you haven't already, remove your hose from the faucet. This is significant because, in addition to your pipes, your hose provides a second location for water to freeze and cause harm. Disconnecting your hose and storing it in a garage, cellar, or shed until spring is your best choice.
How to Prevent a Freezing Outdoor Faucet or Spigot

Turn off the water supply.

The next proactive step is to turn off the water. Begin by locating the control valve on the water supply line that leads to the outside spigot. Most control valves on houses with metal pipes are brass balls located a few feet from the outer wall.

To turn off the water, simply turn the valve clockwise (until it stops). A lever handle can also be used on the control valve. In that scenario, move the lever perpendicular to the pipe to switch off the water supply. Once the water is turned off, open the faucet to drain any remaining water in it and/or your pipes (so they don't freeze as well).
How to Prevent a Freezing Outdoor Faucet or Spigot

Install an insulated faucet cover.

The final step is to install an insulated faucet protection. These are normally constructed of foam, are affordable, and may be found online or at hardware stores. Follow the manufacturer's installation instructions, and after you're through, ensure sure the faucet cover is firmly in place.

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#SarcasticGamer #SarcasticReview

SOURCE: lifehacker

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