How to cook Roasted Chicken with Lemon, without Oven

You can cook Roasted Chicken with Lemon, with Improvised Oven, just a DIY Oven from your Kitchen.

Yes can cook or Roast a Chicken even if you don't have a Roaster, we just used an Old Pot like this.

And with a little help of Steel Pan Support from our Gas Stove, but you can also use anything that keeps the Tray from touching the ground of the pot.

Now the Cooking begins.

  • Whole chicken
  • Lemon
  • Garlic
  • Lemongrass
  • Dried rosemary 
  • White Onion
  • Salt
  • Pepper
  • Baby potatoes 
  • Water
  1. Rub the salt and rosemary onto the chicken and put some salt inside of its cavity.
  2. Slice the lemon and garlic. Then put inside the cavity together with lemon grass.
  3. Line the pan with sliced onions and add some water.
  4. Put the chicken into the pan and put the remaining lemon slices to it's side and also the baby potatoes.
  5. Cook for about 1 hour and 30 minutes.
Here are some pictures:

We may don't have achieved what other pictures from the internet, but at least, we are very close, and of course we are satisfied with the result.

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