Park So-dam, of Parasite, was diagnosed with thyroid cancer at the age of 30.

During a regular health check, the South Korean actress, who played Kim Ki-jung in Bong Joon Ho's Oscar-winning drama, was diagnosed with papillary thyroid cancer and had surgery.

During a regular health check, the South Korean actress, who played Kim Ki-jung in Bong Joon Ho's Oscar-winning drama, was diagnosed with papillary thyroid cancer and had surgery.

Park So-dam, of Parasite, was diagnosed with thyroid cancer at the age of 30.
"Park So-dam will focus on her rehabilitation so that she can see you all well in the future," her agency said in a statement to CNN. "ArtistCompany will also try our best to assist the actor recover her health."
Because of her treatment, she has had to cancel a promotional appearance for her upcoming film, Special Delivery, and she is claimed to be "extremely sad."

"The company would like to thank all of the people for demonstrating support for Special Delivery and actress Park So-dam, as well as the cast and crew of Special Delivery overcoming this tough moment together," ArtistCompany stated.
Park So-dam, of Parasite, was diagnosed with thyroid cancer at the age of 30.
The actor rose to international prominence with her performance in Parasite, which won Best Picture at the 2020 Oscars. The film was the first foreign-language film in Oscar history to win Best Picture, beating out competition from Sam Mendes' war thriller 1917 and Quentin Tarantino's Once Upon a Time... In Hollywood, of course.

The black comedy follows a family which is trying to make ends meet and decides to all work as servants for a rich family, eventually earning their way into their house.

#ParkSoDam #Parasite #ThyroidCancer
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