CS Design Project 1

CS Design Project 1 In this course, students will be exposed to a real world like environment where they will be expected to work as part of a self-organized team to produce an appropriate solution for a real-world problem. The course covers the fundamentals of Design project, which includes Concept development, Background research, Project management,  Plan development, Requirement Specification and System Design

CS Design Project 1
In this course, students will be exposed to a real world like environment where they will be expected to work as part of a self-organized team to produce an appropriate solution for a real-world problem. The course covers the fundamentals of Design project, which includes Concept development, Background research, Project management,  Plan development, Requirement Specification and System Design

#SarcasticGamer #SarcasticReview

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Anonymous said...

Wla pa pong midterm? thanks po

Anonymous said...

pa post po ng midterm. thanks